Elmore Leonard. You’ve inspired me.

Please click it to grab the gripping, funny crime thriller by Robert Chazz Chute.

I’ve read a lot of Elmore Leonard and I think that shows in Bigger Than Jesus. He just influenced me a bit more. You see, the thing about Netflix is that if you run across a TV show that appeals to you, whipping through a bunch of episodes at once is doable. Keep an eye on the clock because it sure can suck up a weekend. This weekend the kids were away so I watched Justified.

I don’t usually pay attention to who wrote this or that. As much as I love Kurt Vonnegut, one of his books I can’t seem to read. The same thing has happened with all the authors I love: Palahniuk and Goldman, too. There’s always at least one that isn’t for me (which is still an incredibly impressive batting average.) However, the fact that Elmore Leonard was listed as Executive Producer of Justified did get my attention so I sat down and stuck it in my head.

The EP title is sloshed around plenty in movies and TV. Often it means nothing beyond a credit and more (or less) money. However, I saw Leonard’s influence in some of the funny dialogue, at least. The winding story arc held me, as well. I like to goof around in alternate dimensions and figure out where the writers are going with the plot (and what I’d do differently.)

Justified isn’t perfect. No one in law enforcement loses his mind and turns his back on thugs as much as Timothy Olyphant does in this show. However, it’s the funny sensibility of criminals relating to other criminals (and to cops) that I groove on. It’s not laugh-a-minute, witty dialogue, but there’s certainly enough there to make it watchable, enjoyable and good for a bunch of chuckles. 

That inspires me. As I read the reviews and hear the happy feedback from readers of my books, I think there will be a few changes to the next book in The Hit Man Series. I predict a little less swearing, a little more sex, even more clever twists that will read like how-to for finding people who don’t want to be found. And more jokes. The people who love Bigger Than Jesus all mention the humour. Higher Than Jesus will raise that bar higher. Higher than Jesus.

The Circle of Light

Cuban hit man Jesus Diaz meets the next chapter of his fate at Como Si, the New York after-hours club owned by the lovely Lily Vasquez’s father, Pete the Bookie.

Pick up Bigger Than Jesus in paperback here.

Grab the ebook here.

And hey! Did you notice the new links on the left? Pick up a Kindle Fire cheap. Check out the Lightning Deals and the Hot Deal of the Day and the Amazon gift cards and oh, my Thor I sold out so hard.

All for Art. And eating.

Podcast: The Love & Nookie Edition

Love & Nookie, Chapter 3 of Bigger Than Jesus

Downloading this podcast on Wednesday July 18? Grab a free ebook, The Dangerous Kind & Other Stories here http://amzn.to/OCrwzs

The paperback is coming soon, but in the meantime, you can own your own ebook copy. Grab Bigger Than Jesus (and see all the books by Robert Chazz Chute) here!

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Got a question? Email me at expartepress@gmail.com.

PODCAST: The First Fiction Friday Edition

A little suspense as an old woman gets lost in the Maine woods for our first Fiction Friday! Please leave a happy review on iTunes if you like the podcast. Thanks for listening! (Please note that though this episode does not contain sex, violence or strong profanity, it might not be safe for work, nor is it suitable for young children. If that’s a concern, turn down the volume, get out your headphones or find a podcast about Disney.)

For regular listeners to the program: This week’s podcast is a little different. I lifted a chapter from one of my works in progress for your listening pleasure. There are hints and shades of Stephen King, I suppose. This is kind of a bridge chapter in a gathering mystery from the first of my Poeticule Bay Series of novels. I chose it because, though it’s part of a much larger story in which Connie Whedon plays a small part, it can stand on its own and I like the building tension in it. I hope you do, too.


~ Chazz

Podcast: The Best Ever Edition

Click here for the monkey assassin interview at KitFosterFiction.blogspot.ca

In this episode: Crazy Guy in the Parking Lot, Self-help for Future Olympians, Post-post-racial America and the Hoaxes that Hook You. 

Shout out to KitFosterFiction.blogspot.ca. See my fun (and opinionated) interview there. See Kit’s amazing book covers at KitFosterDesign.com.

Listen to the podcast here, subscribe on iTunes or download the Stitcher Radio App and enter the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS for a chance to win a draw for a $100 cash card. If you’re happy, leave a happy review on iTunes or buy a dude (meaning me) a coffee using the safe, secure and convenient donate button.

I’m sick, so this is the Best Ever Edition because it’s so mercifully short!