The weirdness happened again (+ The 7 Words or Less Contest Announcement)

Get all the details and enter the 7 Words or Less Contest here at 

Amazon sent me a promotional email about my book, Bigger Than Jesus. If everybody else who loves suspense and thrillers gets this and buys one…well, yay!

Meanwhile, did you know you could get your name in my next thriller, Hollywood Jesus? It could happen if you have a funny slogan. Have fun with it.

Get all the details and enter here at 

Take it!

For more writing & publishing advice, buying Write your Book, Aspire to Inspire would also make your day and mine.

Yet another free ebook is given and the Romanian mob is at the gates. Find out what happens next as we come close to the end of the reading of the crime novel, Bigger Than Jesus by Robert Chazz Chute.

The next instalment in the hardboiled Hit Man Series is Higher Than Jesus. Read all the sex and violence by clicking on the book’s cover to the right.

About the free ebook: You can get Crack the Indie Author Code for free from Nov. 26 to Nov. 30, 2012. If you dream of writing and publishing, this is the book to get you started. Pick up the follow-up, Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire (by clicking the cover as it appears to the right again! Oh, my Thor! Is there no end to this madness?!) 

This podcast is sponsored by Kit Foster of For a new web banner, excellent Quote Art or book covers for traditional as well as indie authors, check out his portfolio at You won’t regret it.

Just like the books, if you like the podcast, please review it on iTunes so more people can find me. You can find me @rchazzchute on Twitter. Thanks for listening to the show. Subscribe to the All That Chazz newsletter (also to the right! My stars and garters! Is there no end to his requests?!


Another Free Book!

Another free ebook! Has Chazz gone mad? Plus, in this chapter of Bigger Than Jesus, our luckless hit man is captured by Vincent and in the sights of a SPAS-12.

Higher Than Jesus is free for you to download until Nov. 23! It’s hardboiled sex and violence with lots of funny dialogue. Jesus is in Chicago killing a bad guy on Christmas Day, brokering an arms deal and failing miserably at group therapy. Grab the ebook as it races up the hardboiled and suspense lists. 

A shout out this week goes to new newsletter subscriber PC Zick of and author of Live from the Road. Want a mention in the podcast for your website, business or book? Subscribe to the newsletter.

This is podcast is sponsored by the amazing graphic artist Kit Foster of He can do amazing work for you, too!

Higher Than Jesus: Grab the no cost download now

Higher Than Jesus, my hardboiled crime novel packed with sex and violence, is free on Amazon this week (Nov. 19 to the 23rd.) You don’t have to have a kindle to read it. With a free kindle reading app, you can access it on any device.  Click the cover to grab it now and please, if you love it, review it and spread the word. Thanks. (There are more free ebook offers inside.)

Click to get Higher Than Jesus free from Nov. 19 to Nov. 23, 2012!

Bigger Than Jesus: Descent

Rated R. Bigger Than Jesus is free on Amazon until midnight Nov. 9 plus: my thoughts on bad election predictions, a reading from my crime novel and thoughts on Amazon.

Buy the next book in the series, Higher Than Jesus, here. (Expect more sex & violence, snappy, funny dialogue, tales of a hit man’s love and addiction and group therapy goes terribly awry.) See links to all the books by Robert Chazz Chute here. Crack the Indie Author Code and Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire are just released.

This podcast is kindly sponsored by KitFosterDesign. For web banners, Quote Art and book covers, go check out Kit Foster’s amazing portfolio! 

Bigger Than Jesus hits #1 in Hardboiled!

UPDATE! Bigger Than Jesus is now #1 hardboiled and #13 in Action & Adventure! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Thor!

Thanks to this giveaway, my book about Cuban hit man, Jesus Diaz, on the run from the mob and the FBI just hit #1 on the free Hardboiled list! Click it to grab it, and thanks for helping me fly!

#1! #1! #1!

Freebies, Giveaways & Mission Possible

Shower yourself in free ebooks & hear two chapters of Bigger Than Jesus! My hardboiled crime novel of twisty suspense is free to you from Nov. 5 to Nov. 9. That’s Book One in The Hit Man Series, but wait, there’s more!  

Sign up for the newsletter at and answer a question from Higher Than Jesus (Book 2 is only $3.99 as an ebook)  and you’ll get another free ebook.

There are similar offers in the back of my writing guides, too: Crack the Indie Author Code and Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire. Sign up for the newsletter and answer a qualifying question correctly and you could get free coupons to read the ebook of Self-help for Stoners and/or Sex, Death & Mind Control.

Anyone who signs up for the newsletter gets a plug on the podcast. Jordanna East of Journey of Jordanna East and she got a plug this week. 

Podcast sponsor: Kit Foster of

Intro clips: Mitt Romney, Charlie Chaplain from The Great Dictator, Barack Obama

Author reading on this podcast: “Mission Possible” and “What Will Stop Him”