REVIEW! INTERVIEW! MORE! YAY!: Sex, Death & Mind Control (for fun and profit)

I’m suffering a sore throat tonight, so I’m holding off on a new Self-help for Stoners Podcast for now. However, I still have candies for you! In lieu of me, press play to find out about one of my fave podcasts or just go to The Best of the Left.

Over at The Raven’s Quill, there’s an excellent review of Sex, Death & Mind Control.


(And by excellent, I mean, the author gets me, she really, really gets me…apologies to Sally Field for dragging out that old Oscars speech allusion.) Read Krista Walsh’s review here.

But wait there’s more! In a feature called Inside The Author’s Mind, I’m interviewed at Eden Baylee’s site and she asks such great questions that I’m forced to come up with some funny answers. Her site, and my responses, are definitely NSFW, 18+ and offensive to somebody. Somebody who doesn’t enjoy laughter. You’ve been warned. If you’re an adult, CLICK, READ, LAUGH.

I’ll be updating the Self-help for Stoners Podcast as soon as my throat recovers. I have fancy plans and pants to match (NEWSRADIO fans know that line). But seriously, I’m working on some huge and cool projects and, as soon as I can speak, all shall be revealed! Stay tuned. The podcast is going off in new and exciting directions.

PODCAST: The Hawaii Five-O Edition

Learn German from Hogan’s Heroes, worship Steve McGarrett and beat up bad children if they don’t belong to you. In this week’s edition of the Self-help for Stoners podcast, Chazz takes a trip down trip down memory lane and finds a lot of macho bullshit on his shoes.

BONUS: Read my funny interview with RaeBeth McGee at The Writing World.

Like the podcast? Please leave your happy reviews at iTunes. Rabid with love for


Chazz…or at least ready to encourage him to work more on stuff he’s actually good at? Go here and check out his books for sale: Amazon Link and Smashwords Link. (No matter your device, his dark fiction and chilling suspense are everywhere!)

You can donate to the IndieGoGo campaign to help Joshua fight cancer at this link. Interested in the Jeff Bennington books I mentioned on the podcast? Learn more at The Writing Bomb. Join Stitcher Radio here and use the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS for a chance at a $100 cash card.

Enjoy and thanks for listening and reading!

Author Interview: Chazz visits The Writing World

Here's an idea. Click the pic to buy more fun! Radical.

I had a really fun interview experience answering questions about my books over at The Writing World, RaeBeth McGee’s awesome (and pretty!) blog. I make it my first priority to come up with fun answers and the serious honesty is secondary. Check out the interview here: The Writing World. Have a laugh.

PODCAST: The Buckle Up & Brace Yourself Edition

God, door-to-door solicitors & Skylanders disappoint me. Clowns are under your bed. In this ranty, surreal, zero-segue romp across your brain, I’m off the Quaaludes and into the ditch. This is going to be my roughest ride yet. Bring your chair to the full upright position. Buckle up. Brace for impact in this Not Safe for Work podcast.


Want to know more? Check out my books at the author site.

Meet my monkey ninjas at Amazon.

Grab the Stitcher app and enter the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS through this link.

Please pick up my short stories here! 

Buy the Self-help for Stoners paperback through my e-store.

Donate to the #IndiesUniteforJoshua campaign here to help a family and fight cancer.

Are you an indie author? Follow the writing and publishing blog that helps you market your ebooks:

Thanks for listening. If you like the books and podcasts, please tell a friend and leave happy reviews on iTunes, Amazon, Smashwords or wherever you found my stuff for sale. It helps. You can even buy me a coffee with the handy yellow donate button down the left hand side and I will honor you in the Hall of Champions in Valhalla. Cheers!

~ Chazz

Self-help for Stoners: The Mind Bend Edition


In this episode of Self-help for Stoners, The Mind Bend Edition, I start right away with a little story from my book Self-help for Stoners. I hit you with my fave tweets, rake the GOP over the cliched coals and hit you with some money-wasting, Canuck-style. You also get a preview of my ad that will soon run on Smodcast Internet Radio. If you like the show, please like us on Stitcher or leave a kind review on iTunes! Thanks!

Follow me @THECHAZZSAYS on Twitter. See all the books or donate at See the VIDEO: KEVIN SMITH CHANGED MY LIFE on the book reviews page at
Download the Stitcher app and use the code: SELFHELPSTONERS fro a draw for a $100 cash card.

Until the end of January, grab my free ebook, Corrective Measures by Robert Chazz Chute here. If you love it, pleae review it. There are seven ebooks in all plus the paperback, Self-help for Stoners.

Get the Self-help for Stoners ebook or paperback here. 

The 99 cent ebook sale

Surprise! All my shorter works of fiction are now available at for only 99 cents each (plus Corrective Measures is free until Jan. 31)!

Grab them all and curl up by the fire with solid short stories and The Dangerous Kind, a novella.

Three: The Dangerous Kind, Asia Unbound and  are the Poeticule Bay stories. Corrective Measures and Vengeance is #1 feature Dr. Circe Papua.

Free until Jan. 31, 2012


If you love them, please do review them!

Grab them all by clicking here.

Podcast #3: How to Beat a Murder Charge with a Skunk and a Smile

In this episode you hear Colonoscopy Confessions, Tweet of the Week and two excerpts from the book Self-help for Stoners (available on and more)!

I break down why time machines won’t save you and how to beat a weed and murder charge in Texas with a skunk and a smile.

I also call for the guys from Fatinee to come back to the mic but they beat me to it. (They had a new pod up reviewing Jack and Jill right after this was recorded.)

Please subscribe and leave a review on iTunes!

Thanks for listening!