The Last Amazon Giveaway: Bigger Than Jesus

Some free fun for you: If you haven’t already grabbed the ebook Bigger Than Jesus, the last Amazon promotion is on so it’s free until Friday. Bigger Than Jesus is the foundation of The Hit Man Series and the next instalment, Higher Than Jesus, will be out at the end of September. The paperback is $9.99.

All the books are at this link. 

And now off to work on getting Jesus into deeper trouble. (It’s pronounced “HAY-SOOSE”.)

Oh, yeah. If you like it, please review it. That helps spread the word. Thanks!

Elmore Leonard. You’ve inspired me.

Please click it to grab the gripping, funny crime thriller by Robert Chazz Chute.

I’ve read a lot of Elmore Leonard and I think that shows in Bigger Than Jesus. He just influenced me a bit more. You see, the thing about Netflix is that if you run across a TV show that appeals to you, whipping through a bunch of episodes at once is doable. Keep an eye on the clock because it sure can suck up a weekend. This weekend the kids were away so I watched Justified.

I don’t usually pay attention to who wrote this or that. As much as I love Kurt Vonnegut, one of his books I can’t seem to read. The same thing has happened with all the authors I love: Palahniuk and Goldman, too. There’s always at least one that isn’t for me (which is still an incredibly impressive batting average.) However, the fact that Elmore Leonard was listed as Executive Producer of Justified did get my attention so I sat down and stuck it in my head.

The EP title is sloshed around plenty in movies and TV. Often it means nothing beyond a credit and more (or less) money. However, I saw Leonard’s influence in some of the funny dialogue, at least. The winding story arc held me, as well. I like to goof around in alternate dimensions and figure out where the writers are going with the plot (and what I’d do differently.)

Justified isn’t perfect. No one in law enforcement loses his mind and turns his back on thugs as much as Timothy Olyphant does in this show. However, it’s the funny sensibility of criminals relating to other criminals (and to cops) that I groove on. It’s not laugh-a-minute, witty dialogue, but there’s certainly enough there to make it watchable, enjoyable and good for a bunch of chuckles. 

That inspires me. As I read the reviews and hear the happy feedback from readers of my books, I think there will be a few changes to the next book in The Hit Man Series. I predict a little less swearing, a little more sex, even more clever twists that will read like how-to for finding people who don’t want to be found. And more jokes. The people who love Bigger Than Jesus all mention the humour. Higher Than Jesus will raise that bar higher. Higher than Jesus.

The Punishment

In this episode, Jesus Diaz is still zip tied and at Pete’s mercy. He’s having a hard time talking his way out of taking all the blame for assassinating Panama Bob and bumping off Big Denny De Molina.

Next week: Chapter 9 is The Grift. If you can’t stand the suspense, Bigger Than Jesus is on Amazon as an ebook and in paperback. 

Please support the podcast by buying my books, leaving a nice review, and shopping on Amazon using the links at Check out the Lightning Deals and The Deal of the Day through my website, too! Every little bit helps. Cheers!

Sit and DIE!

I just joined a Facebook group for writers encouraging each other to get daily exercise and be healthier. It’s been on my mind a lot, especially after all the studies about how people who sit for several hours a day are at greater risk of getting killed by ninjas. Okay, I didn’t read those studies too carefully, but the upshot was, sit and DIE!

We write from the heart for hours on end. It’s bad for our hearts. We have to eat healthier than the average bear (more blueberries and salmon, less garbage in our pic-a-nic baskets.) I have a treadmill desk and I try to alternate that with the chair, though there are a lot of things I do that make the treadmill desk less conducive to my best work. Walking while working is fine for surfing, not so good for composition.

Today I ate a kale shake (à la Joe Rogan’s recipe), ate egg whites and a few blueberries and opted for almond milk instead of coffee. Tonight, more exercise. It’s all part of the deal when you write for a living. You have to exercise more to live, and perhaps become immortal beyond the page.

The Dock

Pete the Bookie lectures a tied up Jesus on the trials of Job and his place in the universe. When I wrote this chapter, I had no idea how I was going to get Jesus out of the trap. My first mission was to get my luckless Cuban hit man in deep and figure out how to get him out later. How does he get out? You’ll see.

Thanks to all those who support the podcast with donations, leave positive reviews and enjoy my books of suspense. I so appreciate all my happy and positive readers!

Buying on Amazon? Check out the Deal of the Day, Lightning Deal, Amazon blogs and all the cool links. When you buy on Amazon through, that helps, too! Thank you!

The Six Words or Less Contest: Liberty wins!


Check it out here.

At the insistence of She Who Must Be Obeyed, I took a few days away from the Internet. Even when I take time of…no, maybe especially when I take time off, I come back with a refreshed perspective. As a result of the break, the next book will be a bit longer and more complex than originally planned. I also have ideas for an additional podcast and website. This is yet another example of how a supportive family makes all the difference to the art. Without the push to take a few days off, I wouldn’t have more in the pipe now.

In case you missed it, contestant Liberty Montano won the Six Words or Less Contest with “Ezekiel 25:17”. I have a great idea on how to weave that into the story and I’m working on how to use Liberty’s name on a character in the next novel in The Hit Man Series: Higher Than Jesus. 

The work progresses. I’ll have the next chapter of Bigger Than Jesus in audio for you tomorrow.