#NaNoWriMo: So there!
Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes cover reveal: Launching tonight on Amazon!
Protected: Secret Spoilers: The truth behind Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes
The Hit Man Edition (plus blowing up in Hollywood!)
Chazz is back! And so is the hit man! That can’t be a coincidence. Anybody seen these two guys in the same room at once?
Today we continue with the author reading of Higher Than Jesus. Meanwhile, the third book in the Hit Man Series is suddenly available. Don’t know what I’m talking about? It’s the funny/hardboiled adventure with my luckless Cuban anti-hero, Jesus Diaz. Come for the action and surprises. Stay for the jokes.
Good news! All three books are also now available in one ebook edition: The Divine Assassin’s Playbook, Omnibus Edition! Read all three crime novels — Bigger Than Jesus, Higher Than Jesus, and the latest, Hollywood Jesus — for one low price.
Check out all the books by Robert Chazz Chute at AllThatChazz.com. Talk to the Divine Assassin directly on Twitter @AssassinsPlayBk.
Hire our sponsor and amazing graphic design genius, Kit Foster, at KitFosterDesign.com.
The fastest paced thriller I’ve ever written arrives soon.
You can read Hollywood Jesus as a standalone thriller beginning October 1, or read the series from the beginning, in the The Divine Assassin’s Playbook, Omnibus Edition.
FYI: The Omnibus will contains the first three books: Bigger Than Jesus, Higher Than Jesus and Hollywood Jesus and will launch at the same time.
The next book in the Hit Man Series is…
The third book in the Hit Man Series, Hollywood Jesus is almost here.
The editorial pipeline is full and humming with hardboiled activity.
Hearing happy things from beta readers. (Much thanks to the Steel Falcon Beta Read Team!) Aiming for launch October 1 for Hollywood Jesus, Rise of the Divine Assassin. It’s fun, funny, violent, poignant and violently funny. (I’d planned on calling it Deader Than Jesus. Then I decided to hurry up with the rebrand of the series.) Here’s what the cover will look like.
Cover blurb supplied by Hit Man fan and horror multitalented author Armand Rosamilia.
Find Jesus on Amazon October 1, 2014.