Elon Musk: Humanity risks ‘summoning a demon’

After a week of illness that kept me on my back, I got out to see Ex Machina. I won’t spoil it for you, but it is a thought-provoking horror movie that will remind you of Skynet becoming self-aware , that Elon Musk quote (above) about the dangerous possibilities of Artificial Intelligence and what monster slavers we could will become when we create convincing sexbots. Musk might not be wrong, but we are also demons. Right now. As you’re reading this.

Mostly, Ex Machina is about how dangerous we are and our place in the continuum of existence. The self-awareness of AI will make you uncomfortably self-conscious of the evil we can do long past the time your popcorn runs out.

I loved the writing. The slow, grim foreboding builds and the villain of the piece is perfect. One thing I really enjoyed was that we got through the entire movie without speaking the word slavery aloud. There are no extra words in the script and it relies on the audience being smart enough to fill in the blanks. That’s kind of rare, isn’t it? Writers are often too deathly afraid of the dough heads in the audience saying, “I don’t get it.”

I also didn’t recognize a single actor. The Hollywood machine pumps out sequels with faces you’ve seen before (and that’s not all bad), but it was refreshing to see something original, intelligent and well…new.

You’ll see Age of Ultron. Make sure you catch Ex Machina, too.

I am almost fully recovered from my illness and I’m looking forward to sending you updates about my next book, a fresh podcast and the latest developments over the next week. Until then, don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter. We’ll talk.

(And, yes, I want to write about AI and cool robots, too!)

Podcast: Intensity

Today we talk about intensity in living and specifically about aerobic and weight-bearing exercise. Your resistance training should be aerobic, too. Studies show that even those in advanced age benefit from resistance training. If you want to arrive at old age healthier, mobile and ready for the zombie apocalypse, do weight-bearing exercise now.

If you like the podcast, please do spread the word with a happy review or click the links at AllThatChazz.com and buy a book, or all the books.

Pre-order the next book in the Ghosts and Demons Series, The End of the World As I Know It at http://amzn.to/19JbDE4. 

Thanks for your support of this podcast! Have a great day, or make it one! 

~ Chazz


Contemporary London Authors Readings at LPL



(Hint: Click the cover to grab The Haunting Lessons now.)

I’ll be giving a reading, signing and selling books and talking on a panel at the London Public Library, Central Branch from 11 – 4 p.m on Saturday, April 25. 

Join me and a bunch of authors from London, Ontario. We’ll talk genre and craft for the love of reading. New inductees will read their works of poetry, graphic novels and fiction. I’ll be reading from The Haunting Lessons. (Sales and signings follow the last panel discussion.)

Come on out. It’s going to be fun. I shall bring mojo and whatnot.

You can pre-order the next book in this series, The End of the World As I Know It, by clicking the cover below. Thanks!

~ Chazz


Three Quick Weight Loss Tips

Hi! Today on the All That Chazz podcast, the journey continues with three quick tips about bread, sleep and when to exercise. I’m not a trainer or a doctor. I’m just a fat guy getting thinner. Join me.

Today’s podcast is sponsored by The End of the World As I Know It by your host, Robert Chazz Chute. It’s a very Buffy the Vampire Slayer sort of series and this is Book Two (after The Haunting Lessons.) 

Pick up The Haunting Lessons, Book One of the Ghosts and Demons Series, here: http://amzn.to/1xZTGgo.

Pre-order The End of the World As I Know It here: http://amzn.to/19JbDE4.

Thanks for supporting me and the podcast!

~ Chazz


Quick Podcast Tips: How to Make Time to Exercise

We all struggle with finding time to exercise. The time is there. You have to find it and if you can’t find it, make it. In this quick drop, you’ll get a few suggestions on making that happen.

HA! I was in such a hurry I didn’t edit and I did the two zeds, two zees thing twice, close together. Alas, gotta go work on the knee. One tip I didn’t mention was to let the little things slide so the important things get done. There’s one example. 🙂

For a look at things that the Fitbit tracks, click the BETTER LIFE tab at AllThatChazz.com.

Looking for something to read while you’re on the treadmill? How about The Haunting Lessons? Packed with action, swordplay and very Buffy distraction and jokes, it’ll make the time fly by. Click the link at AllThatChazz.com. The next book in the Ghosts & Demons Series hits at the end of April. It’s called The End of the World As I Know It and it’s available for pre-order on Amazon now. Hook a brother up. Or your sister. You know the drill…

Now go make it a great day! And don’t forget to subscribe for a free ebook (Bigger Than Jesus), updates, advanced review copies and deals. Cheers!


Getting better: Video of cupping for the knee

This video was my first experiment with Meerkat, the new livestreaming app. Therefore, no editing and nothing fancy here. Just a quick bit about treating a bum knee and showing what cupping looks like. The circles on your skin last a couple of days but the process loosens up the fascia and other soft tissue. Exercise is the main thing to recover from knee injury most of the time. Have a look, and hear the full podcast about the changes I’m making (and what’s happened to me) in the post below: Weight loss for a Loser.

Cupping can look a little gross. Fair warning.

Podcast: Weight Loss for a Loser

Hey, gang! It’s the heartfelt confrontation with life and its challenges we all knew was coming. 

In this ep, I talk about a new direction for the podcast. What? Again? Yeah, well, it’s always adapt or die around here and a fresh bout of knee pain has spurred me to make this podcast about weight loss and health and fitness (both physical and financial.) Because I have neither yet, that’s why!

However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I don’t think it’s an oncoming train. Have a listen as shit gets deep and real. Welcome to my world…and let’s make it better.

Oh, and join me on the journey.

I’ll be posting again soon. You can click the BETTER LIFE tab for an awesome almond milk recipe that tastes like ice cream.


Click the pre-order button on The End of the World As I Know It, coming in April! It’s a lot of fun with ghosts and demons and a very Buffy girl out to save the world. She’s just like me.

Thanks for listening. If you like the new deal, vote Roosevelt…no, I mean leave a happy review on iTunes. “Hey! Another weight loss podcast! Great! Because we don’t have enough of those!…”

