Do the Stress Relief Thing!

(If the media player above does not work in your browser, click here for the direct download link from my host, Libsyn.)

In this relaunch of the All That Chazz Podcast, we’re focusing on what’s most useful to you: stress management, pain relief, boosting energy and controlling your time. This podcast is a complement to my book, Do the Thing! 

Most folks know me as a sci-fi and horror author. However, I’ve worked in injury rehabilitation and stress management as a Registered Massage Therapist for about 24 years now. You’ll find lots of tips and tricks about the connection between posture and pain, stretching, simple exercise and general life management in Do the Thing! (available at Amazon as an ebook and paperback.) I try to make all my suggestions cheap or free and always easy.

In this first episode of the podcast revamp, I’m focussing on visualization. If you need to relax, to sleep or to ease your pain, check out this episode.

Please remember that this podcast cannot take the place of a proper medical consultation. Don’t take medical advice from a podcast. Get regular medical checkups and see a doctor if you have pain, experience changes you can’t explain or if any pain persists. That should cover it. 🙂

Music credit:

“Dreams Become Real” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Writing Music & Workout Music Braingasms

(And by writing music, I mean music to write to.)

I’m on hiatus from one of my jobs and my other work is slow this week. Concentrating on publishing since I have so many manuscripts banked. I’m going to be be doing more book and life updates here, so don’t forget to subscribe, please.

I’m aiming to finish revisions on the next book in the Ghosts & Demons Series (which will all be rebranded The Dimension Wars.) Long story for another post.  What’s much fun is discovering new music for the soundtrack of my life.
I can get a lot done with various versions of Mission Impossible playing constantly. For working out, the soundtrack to Suicide Squad is damn cool even if you didn’t like the movie. (I did.) Try Work This Body by Walk the Moon, too.

For writing, I’ve discovered some songs that are new to me but are a lot of fun. Sweep the Leg from No More Kings is fun, especially if you, like me,  can’t let go of the movie The Karate Kid.  I’m also a new fan of Jim’s Big Ego. The Ballad of Barry Allen is a haunting take on the Flash. Stress is hilarious and true and I love Jonathan Coulton’s Code Monkey. The clever but yearning tone reminds me of Hackensack by Fountains of Wayne.

Check ’em out. I’m sure you’ll find something to tickle your ear bones.


Music in the video kicks in at 3:01.

Time travel: a suicidal comedian, a crazed savant and Kurt Vonnegut walk into a bar…

Wallflower (Medium)

Ray Bradley wanted to be a big deal in Hollywood. When that didn’t work out, he resorted to suicide. Now the beautiful music only Ray can hear won’t go away, his wife’s on the way out and trouble’s bubbling behind the walls.

On a strange and hilarious journey, Ray discovers secrets to time travel. The boundaries separating dimensions crumble as a capricious God of Time plays dice with the universe. The fate of the multiverse depends on an ordinary guy, a crazed genius and Kurt Vonnegut.

Wallflower is a thought-provoking and unique time travel story with heart, humanism and twists you’ll love.

My new cover for Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes

Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes is about a young criminal (me) who returns to New York looking for escape and a second chance. You know what? NYC is pretty unforgiving. Ex-girlfriends and angry brothers weren’t pleased about my return, either. The quest for cash and a new life keeps the plot moving fast. Jump in. You’ll love the ride.


Thanks to Kit Foster of for another great design.

#Free #SF ends tonight: Last chance at grabbing Metal Immortal

Metal Immortal (Small)
Military SF that will make you think of War of the Worlds. You’ll also eye your computer nervously.

Machines Dream of Metal Gods (Medium)

This is an interconnected series, so you can buy the first three novellas and read them as stand-alones. In Book 4, Metal Forever, the survivors of Books 1 – 3 meet to join the epic battle to save the human race. The solutions are always unexpected. Come for the jokes. Stay for the adventure.ROBOTS VERSUS HUMANS (Large) 2

Get your free review copy of The Haunting Lessons

The Haunting Lessons is Book One on the Ghosts & Demons Series.


The Haunting Lessons  (Large)

This is an dark urban fantasy about a girl from Iowa who, after a terrible tragedy, learns to fight a demon horde invading our dimension. It’s a bit Buffy with lots of funny banter, wise lessons, secret societies and swords and sorcery. Join the adventure for free. Join the Choir Invisible.

Here’s how:

1. Email me at: expartepress [AT] gmail [DOT] com 


2. the subject line FREE EBOOK


3.  I’ll send you the link to the page to download your free epub, mobi or pdf file


4. join the Choir Invisible! Grab it while it lasts!