Time travel: a suicidal comedian, a crazed savant and Kurt Vonnegut walk into a bar…

Wallflower (Medium)

Ray Bradley wanted to be a big deal in Hollywood. When that didn’t work out, he resorted to suicide. Now the beautiful music only Ray can hear won’t go away, his wife’s on the way out and trouble’s bubbling behind the walls.

On a strange and hilarious journey, Ray discovers secrets to time travel. The boundaries separating dimensions crumble as a capricious God of Time plays dice with the universe. The fate of the multiverse depends on an ordinary guy, a crazed genius and Kurt Vonnegut.

Wallflower is a thought-provoking and unique time travel story with heart, humanism and twists you’ll love.

My new cover for Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes

Intense Violence, Bizarre Themes is about a young criminal (me) who returns to New York looking for escape and a second chance. You know what? NYC is pretty unforgiving. Ex-girlfriends and angry brothers weren’t pleased about my return, either. The quest for cash and a new life keeps the plot moving fast. Jump in. You’ll love the ride.


Thanks to Kit Foster of KitFosterDesign.com for another great design.

#Free #SF ends tonight: Last chance at grabbing Metal Immortal

Metal Immortal (Small)
Military SF that will make you think of War of the Worlds. You’ll also eye your computer nervously.

Machines Dream of Metal Gods (Medium)

This is an interconnected series, so you can buy the first three novellas and read them as stand-alones. In Book 4, Metal Forever, the survivors of Books 1 – 3 meet to join the epic battle to save the human race. The solutions are always unexpected. Come for the jokes. Stay for the adventure.ROBOTS VERSUS HUMANS (Large) 2

Get your free review copy of The Haunting Lessons

The Haunting Lessons is Book One on the Ghosts & Demons Series.


The Haunting Lessons  (Large)

This is an dark urban fantasy about a girl from Iowa who, after a terrible tragedy, learns to fight a demon horde invading our dimension. It’s a bit Buffy with lots of funny banter, wise lessons, secret societies and swords and sorcery. Join the adventure for free. Join the Choir Invisible.

Here’s how:

1. Email me at: expartepress [AT] gmail [DOT] com 


2. the subject line FREE EBOOK


3.  I’ll send you the link to the page to download your free epub, mobi or pdf file


4. join the Choir Invisible! Grab it while it lasts!

Elon Musk: Humanity risks ‘summoning a demon’

After a week of illness that kept me on my back, I got out to see Ex Machina. I won’t spoil it for you, but it is a thought-provoking horror movie that will remind you of Skynet becoming self-aware , that Elon Musk quote (above) about the dangerous possibilities of Artificial Intelligence and what monster slavers we could will become when we create convincing sexbots. Musk might not be wrong, but we are also demons. Right now. As you’re reading this.

Mostly, Ex Machina is about how dangerous we are and our place in the continuum of existence. The self-awareness of AI will make you uncomfortably self-conscious of the evil we can do long past the time your popcorn runs out.

I loved the writing. The slow, grim foreboding builds and the villain of the piece is perfect. One thing I really enjoyed was that we got through the entire movie without speaking the word slavery aloud. There are no extra words in the script and it relies on the audience being smart enough to fill in the blanks. That’s kind of rare, isn’t it? Writers are often too deathly afraid of the dough heads in the audience saying, “I don’t get it.”

I also didn’t recognize a single actor. The Hollywood machine pumps out sequels with faces you’ve seen before (and that’s not all bad), but it was refreshing to see something original, intelligent and well…new.

You’ll see Age of Ultron. Make sure you catch Ex Machina, too.

I am almost fully recovered from my illness and I’m looking forward to sending you updates about my next book, a fresh podcast and the latest developments over the next week. Until then, don’t forget to sign up for the newsletter. We’ll talk.

(And, yes, I want to write about AI and cool robots, too!)

Podcast: Intensity

Today we talk about intensity in living and specifically about aerobic and weight-bearing exercise. Your resistance training should be aerobic, too. Studies show that even those in advanced age benefit from resistance training. If you want to arrive at old age healthier, mobile and ready for the zombie apocalypse, do weight-bearing exercise now.

If you like the podcast, please do spread the word with a happy review or click the links at AllThatChazz.com and buy a book, or all the books.

Pre-order the next book in the Ghosts and Demons Series, The End of the World As I Know It at http://amzn.to/19JbDE4. 

Thanks for your support of this podcast! Have a great day, or make it one! 

~ Chazz