Three Quick Weight Loss Tips

Hi! Today on the All That Chazz podcast, the journey continues with three quick tips about bread, sleep and when to exercise. I’m not a trainer or a doctor. I’m just a fat guy getting thinner. Join me.

Today’s podcast is sponsored by The End of the World As I Know It by your host, Robert Chazz Chute. It’s a very Buffy the Vampire Slayer sort of series and this is Book Two (after The Haunting Lessons.) 

Pick up The Haunting Lessons, Book One of the Ghosts and Demons Series, here:

Pre-order The End of the World As I Know It here:

Thanks for supporting me and the podcast!

~ Chazz


Quick Podcast Tips: How to Make Time to Exercise

We all struggle with finding time to exercise. The time is there. You have to find it and if you can’t find it, make it. In this quick drop, you’ll get a few suggestions on making that happen.

HA! I was in such a hurry I didn’t edit and I did the two zeds, two zees thing twice, close together. Alas, gotta go work on the knee. One tip I didn’t mention was to let the little things slide so the important things get done. There’s one example. 🙂

For a look at things that the Fitbit tracks, click the BETTER LIFE tab at

Looking for something to read while you’re on the treadmill? How about The Haunting Lessons? Packed with action, swordplay and very Buffy distraction and jokes, it’ll make the time fly by. Click the link at The next book in the Ghosts & Demons Series hits at the end of April. It’s called The End of the World As I Know It and it’s available for pre-order on Amazon now. Hook a brother up. Or your sister. You know the drill…

Now go make it a great day! And don’t forget to subscribe for a free ebook (Bigger Than Jesus), updates, advanced review copies and deals. Cheers!


Getting better: Video of cupping for the knee

This video was my first experiment with Meerkat, the new livestreaming app. Therefore, no editing and nothing fancy here. Just a quick bit about treating a bum knee and showing what cupping looks like. The circles on your skin last a couple of days but the process loosens up the fascia and other soft tissue. Exercise is the main thing to recover from knee injury most of the time. Have a look, and hear the full podcast about the changes I’m making (and what’s happened to me) in the post below: Weight loss for a Loser.

Cupping can look a little gross. Fair warning.

Podcast: Weight Loss for a Loser

Hey, gang! It’s the heartfelt confrontation with life and its challenges we all knew was coming. 

In this ep, I talk about a new direction for the podcast. What? Again? Yeah, well, it’s always adapt or die around here and a fresh bout of knee pain has spurred me to make this podcast about weight loss and health and fitness (both physical and financial.) Because I have neither yet, that’s why!

However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I don’t think it’s an oncoming train. Have a listen as shit gets deep and real. Welcome to my world…and let’s make it better.

Oh, and join me on the journey.

I’ll be posting again soon. You can click the BETTER LIFE tab for an awesome almond milk recipe that tastes like ice cream.


Click the pre-order button on The End of the World As I Know It, coming in April! It’s a lot of fun with ghosts and demons and a very Buffy girl out to save the world. She’s just like me.

Thanks for listening. If you like the new deal, vote Roosevelt…no, I mean leave a happy review on iTunes. “Hey! Another weight loss podcast! Great! Because we don’t have enough of those!…”




The Choir Invisible is Recruiting: The End of the World As I Know It



The End of the World As I Know It hits at the end of April. Are you ready? Click the draft cover above to pre-order the ebook.

Meet new allies, fresh and deadly enemies and a hunky love interest for Tam. Armageddon is going to get hot. Hell hot.

What’s next?

In the follow-up to The Haunting Lessons, Tamara Smythe has more to say about how to survive and thrive in the coming Armageddon. Unfortunately, experience comes from mistakes. The Choir Invisible is recruiting and the Keep is under attack. Expect lots of jokes, surprises, swordplay and magic action in Book 2 of the Ghosts & Demons Series.


The Pain and My New Commitments to You

In this post, I’m going to cover a couple of cool things you may want to be involved in. It’s about a new show, a new book and a new life for both of us.

What you might now know about me is, in addition to writing crime novels and dark fantasy, I’m a Registered Massage Therapist with over 20 years experience in injury rehabilitation and the treatment of disease conditions. (See?)

I work at being an RMT part-time to cobble together an income that finances my writing. At the moment, I’m working very little and things are looking pretty bad. It turns out, I have to work on myself to save myself from myself. I’m going to help you save yourself, too. Here’s what happened:

The Twist

A couple of weeks ago I was home alone. Naturally, since no one could see me, I cranked up some tunes and worked on getting some exercise. Writing is incredibly sedentary so I have to work out when I can. Two minutes later, I twisted my knee by dancing too hard.

Ow. How ridiculous. And OW!

So…shit. Now what? I suspect it’s a medial meniscus tear. Basically, that’s the cushion in the knee and my cushion isn’t working right. The pain has been so bad sometimes that I sweat. Sleep is elusive. When the pain gets intolerable, I use a cane.

Next on the menu: painkillers, ice, chiropractic, exercise, alignment techniques, manual therapy, bracing, cupping, heat and kinesiotape. Turmeric supplements (and lots of the natural spice) helps with joint inflammation. Analgesic creams aren’t touching the pain at all. I can normally squat the whole rack at the gym but I don’t dare do that right now. In fact, the stairs up to the weight room are intimidating and I have to be very careful.

I saw the doc today.

An X-ray and MRI is scheduled. It’s up to me to rehab my way out of trouble before a surgeon decides to get in there with flamethrowers, holy water and hot pokers. There’s ultrasound at my clinic and my friend the chiropractor is excellent, too. Arthroscopy isn’t as popular a solution as it once was, but I’m hoping the answer to my pain will be nothing more than rehabilitative exercise. Fortunately, I’m an expert in that.

Working my way out of pain is one of my part-time jobs now.

It doesn’t pay, but it’s going to feel great to be healthy again. In fact, I’m aiming for more than just going back to normal. I want to be super again. Doesn’t everybody want to feel super? My goals include weight loss (also great for knees and osteoarthritis) and a healthier, more active lifestyle. That can be hard for a writer who often sits still for hours at a time. However, I’ve got a plan for that and it’s already in action. No whining necessary!

I’ve still got writing projects going and collaborators and readers depending on me. My collaborators are patient, but I’m not.

A couple of part-time gigs are in the works to try to make ends meet. Standing at a massage table all day is too much pain at the moment, so I’m off that work for now. I’m dedicating a huge chunk of each day to try to fix my damn knee quickly. However, my plans are bigger than one knee. I’m thinking about your knees, too.


Book sales have tapered off lately so I have to get the next book in the Ghosts & Demons Series revised, edited and beta read etc. and out there! I’m pretty close to finished with the book. Number two in the series is called The End of the World As I Know It and I’m really happy with it. It’s got jokes, action and swordplay galore. Very Buffy.

I am asking for help, but I also plan to give more help. (More on that below.)

If you can spot a typo at arm’s length or shoot an arrow through a plot hole at twenty paces, please join my Steel Falcon Beta Read Team. You’ll get a first look at what happens to Tamara Smythe in the demon apocalypse and laugh your ass off, too. If you want to join the Choir Invisible, just email me at expartepress [AT] gmail [DOT] com with the subject line: STEEL FALCON.

Please note: If you haven’t read The Haunting Lessons (the first book in the series) yet, that’s okay. Your help as a beta reader is appreciated immensely and you’ll get acknowledgement in the book, too.

Now, about that love and joy I’m going to spread around:

Very soon, I’ll launch a health program with daily updates for anyone who cares to follow. I’m hammering out details now, but this is about exercise, eating right and accountability. It’ll involve reports on my progress, exercise tips and tricks to get healthier. This is for me because I need to get on track, but it’s also for readers, viewers and a lot of people I don’t know. Everyone needs to eat and act healthy. I’ll lead by example and report the truth of my successes and failures. I’ll measure every mile of the journey. The reports will keep me on track and I hope they inspire you.

Soon you’ll see posts from me on Vine, Instagram and here, at Subscribe if’n you ain’t already!

If you’re on the Fitbit, go to, find Chazz (me!) and be my friend there to kick things off.

This commitment will bleed over to the All That Chazz podcast, as well. This post is already too long, so I’ll talk about that in the next podcast.

How about it?

 Join the fight to live healthier every day. Join me. I’ll share my struggle and encourage you in yours. Soon, I’ll get my health, my job and life back. This isn’t the end. It’s the speed bump before a new beginning. I believe in beginning again. Do you?

~ Steel Falconers: email me at expartepress [AT] gmail [DOT] com.

The rest of you, get a good pair of sneakers out and get a fitbit. First goal: Get at least 10,000 steps every day. I’ll catch up to you soon, and I won’t be hobbling around on a cane!

The End of the World As I Know It: Armageddon just got even more Buffy

Holly and I are finishing the manuscript for the next book in the Ghosts & Demons Series. It’s called The End of the World As I Know it and should be released in April.


This is a draft cover with a quote from Alex Kimmell, author of The Key to Everything. He was talking about the first book in the series, The Haunting Lessons. I’m hoping he’ll like this one, too. Well. I hope everyone likes it. (Please leave a review. We always need more reviews!)

This fun, dark fantasy series tracks Tamara Smythe, a young woman from Iowa who can see ghosts and demons. She joins a secret society dedicated to defending the human race from demons from another dimension. As Tam’s journey evolves, she shares lessons she’s learned about how to combat evil and survive Armageddon. It’s fun, packed with action, jokes and pop culture references (like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, for instance!)

Are you a book blogger, reviewer or typo spotter? If you’d like an advanced reading copy for beta reading or for early reviews, please email us at expartepress [AT] gmail [DOT] com. Cheers!