Author reading: The Bugman of Surfside Beach

Somebody’s going to die. Brace yourself. Jesus hasn’t drowned, but he’ll soon wish he had. He does get rescued, but there are more surprises in store in this episode of Bigger Than Jesus by Robert Chazz Chute.

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Okay, that’s it. No more whoring and begging until the next episode! 

A Double Shot of Suspense

Did Han shoot first? This week Jesus comes under fire from Jimmy Lima, underboss of New York’s Spanish mob, The Machine. A game of bad versus evil turns from cherry pie to gunfire in two (count ’em, two!) chapters of Bigger Than Jesus by Robert Chazz Chute. Listen for my stereotypically Canadian pronunciation of “about”.

Grab it on Amazon, and if you shop on Amazon for anything, please do so through and they throw me a few crumbs to support the podcast and Ex Parte Press. Thank you!

FYI: Price changes are coming

Please click it to grab the gripping, funny crime thriller by Robert Chazz Chute.

As a heads up to regular readers, the prices of my ebooks will be going up soon. I’ll keep $9.99 price on Bigger Than Jesus in paperback. I haven’t determined what the changes will be yet, but after reading this article, I’ve decided it’s time for me to grow up.

As a courtesy to all you amazing first readers in the true believers club, I’m telling you first. 


Just working on revisions for my next crime novel

Here’s the opening hook to Chapter 6 of Higher Than Jesus:

There’s great power in pointing a pistol at someone who deserves it. When you aim, you feel a connection to the point of impact, like a line of energy ties the path of the bullet to the spot between the target’s eyes. When someone points a gun at you, you sense that same energetic connection. You’ve felt it several times: a spot between your shoulder blades; a crawling feeling on your forehead where the slug was to drill through; a laser’s dot over your heart. New love is like that.

Grab the foundation book of the series, Bigger Than Jesus here.

Please click it to grab the gripping, funny crime thriller by Robert Chazz Chute.

The Future

Jesus is hiding in a Jersey motel, and no one wants that. Recovery, murderous plotting and a little discussion about free will and the nature of the universe. Things also get deep with a little extra surprise at the end of this podcast.

Buy Bigger Than Jesus, the first book in The Hit Man Series through the Amazon link to the left. Or donate. Or buy all the books by Robert Chazz Chute on Amazon. That’s right. Go crazy.

Thanks for listening, reading and strangling mimes at every opportunity. (I have a mime issue.) 

The Tire

Hey suspense fans! This is one of many readers’ favorite chapters from Bigger Than Jesus. In this episode, we get a peek at Jesus Diaz’s escape from Cuba. As usual, nothing goes as planned. Tune in, turn on and drop this in your ears.

Can’t wait to find out what happens next?

Pick up Bigger Than Jesus as an ebook or paperback by clicking here!

Please click it to grab the gripping, funny crime thriller by Robert Chazz Chute.

Many have commented on how much they like the sexy cover of Bigger Than Jesus. (The paperback cover is even better!) Many indie authors listen to this podcast, too, so if you need a book cover, you need to talk to Kit Foster from 

Thanks again for buying my books and for your donations. That really helps with the bandwidth bills. Also, don’t forget to check back for Amazon’s Daily Deals and Lightning Deals. Please do your Amazon shopping through That helps both of us. Cheers! ~ Chazz