PODCAST: The Batman Forgives Edition

Batman, how gay marriage affects you, fear, faith, The Devil, your brain, the nature of forgiveness and our capacity to change.

The nonsense and conscience continues with the new and improved format. More pith, less pits! Shorter, punchier and coming at you every Tuesday and Friday. (Friday fiction’s coming soon as I begin to podcast my book.) Until then? Delicious schadenfreude and brief pontificating. And bloopers! If you hate the show, you’ll still love the books…or so goes my hypothesis. Make it a proven theory and buy the books through  the links above. Gee. That was easy! If you like the books, please be sure to leave a happy review. I’m drowning in obscurity over here!

If you like the show, please leave a happy review on iTunes. It helps with rankings. If you really like the show, consider donating. If you really, really like the show and you’re not crazy, consider donating more and I’ll mention your book, podcast or business. Contact expartepress@gmail.com for more details.

Want a chance at a $100 cash card? Join Stitcher Radio by downloading the free Stitcher app and use the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS and whammo! You’re in their draw.

My buddy Mosno asks the key question: What would Batman do? Kevin Smith talks Fat Man on Batman. Me? I talk about how Batman is woven into the fabric of our lives…and we are not measuring up to his example. It’s clear to me now that if Jesus had a cape, a cowl and a Batmobile, he’d still be rockin’ in the free world to this day.


PODCAST: The No Bullies Edition

What’s the frequency, Kenneth? Bully (the Movie) & bullies in your school and speaking of which, would-be President Mittens!

As I go from long boring monologues to short, punchy episodes in which mimes are killed for sport, you can expect to have the Self-help for Stoners podcast in your earbuds twice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Fiction Fridays will soon be on their way but for the rest of the time, it’s all my usual nonsense and conscience. Welcome to the Podcast Pleasure Dome.

Help us with the bandwidth and keep us in coffee with the handy Donate button and leave happy reviews at iTunes, please! Thanks for the help. It’s much appreciated.

Are you a would-be, non-crazy sponsor with a podcast, business or book to plug? Contact me at expartepress@gmail.com and we’ll work out a deal. Cheap! Cheap! (Because I have no dignity!)

Are you on Stitcher yet? If not, download the free app and enter the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS to enter to win a $100 cash card for your trouble. Stitcher Radio means instant streaming and no downloading to your device. It makes you a happier, dare I say, better person.

Enjoy this episode. See you Friday. What will we talk about? No idea. Yet.

PODCAST: The Avengers Assemble Edition

Kevin Smith’s book, Drop Dead Healthy, treadmill desks and nonsense and conscience. Also, please, play nice and don’t give in to cynicism. Heroes rise when we expect the best of ourselves and others.

Got a podcast, book or business you want to promote? You can get a mention on the pod for a small donation.

Want to stream podcasts on your device for free? Download the Stitcher app and enter the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS to enter the Stitcher draw for $100.

If you like it, please leave a happy review at iTunes or hit the donate button to buy me a coffee or to help with bandwidth. Thanks!



PODCAST: The Fight for Your Right Edition

4/20 Fallout (not far out), peaceful protest, fighting back, fighting up front and fighting for your party. You were expecting the easy Beastie Boys joke, weren’t you? Low on jokes in this particular podcast. Lots of earnest entreaties instead: friendships are tested; spines must be grown; coin purses must be strapped on. Buckle up for the leftist rant that made me sweat.

Get perks and warm fuzzies to help Joshua fight cancer at IndieGoGo. 

If you’re one of the 1% or want to be, support the podcast by donating or even become a producer and I’ll plug your book, business or podcast (unless you’re crazy.) Contact me at expartepress@gmail.com for details on promotions.

Your happy Stitcher Radio app promo code is SELFHELPSTONERS. Enter that when you join up for the free Stitcher app and you might win the draw for a $100 cash card.


PODCAST: The Happy 4/20 Edition

4/20, The Mighty OM, and ranting about autonomy. Step into the weirdness.

Advertise your book, business or podcast for just $5. Hit the happy yellow donate button and hit me up with your info at expartepress@gmail.com. Get a shot at a draw for a $100 cash card from Stitcher Radio. Just download Stitcher from your app store and enter the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS.

If you like the podcast, please leave a happy review on iTunes. Thanks!

PODCAST: The Lotto Win Edition

Heroes and Zeros, eating bee pollen, lottery win and three bits of self-help from Self-help for Stoners. Click the button and enjoy the sweet podcast goodness.

Have you got a book or a business you want mentioned on the podcast? Great! Hit the pretty yellow donate button. You can be the Producer of the Week and have your book advertised for as little as $5! I’m just trying to defray the cost of the hosting fees for the podcast. You can even advertise your own podcast here. Donate and send me your information at expartepress@gmail.com and boom! You’re on. (Pending approval. No neo-Nazis need apply.)

What else can I give you? How about a chance to win a $100 cash card? Download the Stitcher Radio app and enter my promo code “SELFHELPSTONERS” and you’re entered into a draw for the Stitcher prize.

All my books are available on any e-reader platform, including Amazon, or buy Self-help for Stoners in paperback here. Follow me on Twitter @THECHAZZSAYS. Are you a writer? Check out my website for writers at ChazzWrites.com.

That’s all the joy and spam I can stand to lay on you for this week. Thanks for listening!

Podcast: The Best Ever Edition

Click here for the monkey assassin interview at KitFosterFiction.blogspot.ca

In this episode: Crazy Guy in the Parking Lot, Self-help for Future Olympians, Post-post-racial America and the Hoaxes that Hook You. 

Shout out to KitFosterFiction.blogspot.ca. See my fun (and opinionated) interview there. See Kit’s amazing book covers at KitFosterDesign.com.

Listen to the podcast here, subscribe on iTunes or download the Stitcher Radio App and enter the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS for a chance to win a draw for a $100 cash card. If you’re happy, leave a happy review on iTunes or buy a dude (meaning me) a coffee using the safe, secure and convenient donate button.

I’m sick, so this is the Best Ever Edition because it’s so mercifully short!