This Plague of Days: The mind virus is spreading. Have you caught it yet?

This Plague of Days pits an autistic boy against a rising zombie horde. As the world we know comes apart, the infected become cannibals. Take elements of The Stand and Cell, mix in World War Z and 28 Days Later with a terrorist plot and a strange boy with an obsession for Latin phrases and wham! A zombie apocalypse you’re going to love. Find out more at

Get it week to week and episode by episode for just 99 cents or get all of Season 1 at a discount now.


An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running Dead
An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running DeadSpread the infection.

Spread the infection.


This Plague of Days: The mind virus is created

An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running Dead
An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running Dead

Look around at your world: power, conveniences, gasoline for your car and lots of food to choose from. The food chain is changing. A virus is spreading. Your world is falling apart. You’re meat.

Welcome to young Jaimie Spencer’s world. See the collapse of civilization through the eyes of a boy on the autism spectrum in America’s heartland. Watch the rise of the zombies  destroy London. Two forces. One collision course.

This Plague of Days is a horror serial. You can get five episodes for 99 cents each, week by week for a summer of grim fun or you can get all of Season 1 at a discount for just $3.99.

It’s going to be an amazing summer.



#Video: This is the End movie review

This Plague of Days is launching this week! Watch this space for announcements, or, better, sign up for the newsletter!

Each new sign up gets a shout out for their book, podcast, website or business on the All That Chazz podcast.

For more information about this cool horror serial (featuring a hero who’s autistic and a mix of The Stand, Cell, World War Z and 28 Days Later) check out

Another first on Vine! A contest and a reading from Self-help for Stoners

Self Help for Stoners JPEGHere’s the 411: I’m reading a funny short story from one of my books on Vine.

I’m skipping an All That Chazz podcast this week for something new and different. One of my favorite things is the Vine app. One of my favorite short stories from Self-help for Stoners is “Another Day at the Office.” Over the next few days, I’m going to post the excerpt on Vine, six seconds at a time. A little crazy, but fun. 

No one has ever read on Vine before, so I get to make my own rules. I’ll do a little at a time so I won’t flood anyone’s feed. Each post will have the entry number in sequence and the tag #SHFS. 

The Vine Contest

To enter to win this crime novel in paperback, put your guess in the comments of this post. Closest wins.
To enter to win this crime novel in paperback, put your guess in the comments of this post. Closest wins.

The person who guesses closest to the number of vines I have to post to get to the end of the story will get a paperback copy of my crime novel Bigger Than Jesus. (Hint: “Another Day at the Office” is around four pages long in trade paperback size.) Good luck!

Comedian Steven Wright (among a metric ton of Japanese schoolgirls) have written whole novels on Twitter, so an author reading a short story six seconds at a time isn’t that outlandish. I don’t have any stop motion skills, but I still wanted to try something different with Vine. This is it! Enjoy!

You can buy Self-help for Stoners and all my other books here.

Six Seconds 0301If you aren’t on Vine yet and you have an iPod, iPhone or iPad, click here to join the party. It’s free. Sign up. Then look me up (Robert Chazz Chute) and subscribe. Cheers!

Also, in case you didn’t know, I also wrote the first book about the Vine app. Grab it for just 99 cents by clicking the cover image. Please and thank you!

(If you’re really jonesing for a new podcast, you can always slip over to my Cool People Podcast and listen to the interviews there.) Have fun, everybody!