This Plague of Days, Episode 2: An emissary arrives

Episode 2 of the horror serial that reads like World War Z but bends your expectations of zombie horror is here. With autism and Latin phrases.

TPOD Episode 2

Read This Plague of Days. And please, wash your hands frequently.

This Plague of Days, Episode One (99 cents)

This Plague of Days, Episode Two (99 cents)

Episode 3 arrives in one week!

Or just grab

This Plague of Days, Season One for $3.99 now and get the whole sweet, grim, fun beach read at once.


Heh. Since they asked. Weirds me out to do this but here you go.


This Plague of Days, Episode 1This Plague of Days, Episode 1 by Robert Chazz Chute

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I’m torn between GR asking for a review and the awkward fact that I wrote it. For what I think? This story is two books in one that gets off to a rollicking start. It’s pacing is odd because it juxtaposes two groups on a collision course that are far apart: a teen on the autism spectrum in America’s heartland dealing with a world flu pandemic and a terrorist releasing a new strain of that virus in London. In America, they’re dealing with civilization grinding to a halt. In London, chaos is unleashed when the rabies-like virus turns the infected into cannibals. The characters in the hero’s family and the boy’s obsession with English  dictionaries and Latin phrases are a special treat.

According to the author.

Ahem. See? Awkward.

(It’s available in serial episodes or as a full season (like a TV show). Three seasons are planned so far. The second season releases this fall.)

View all my reviews