How to make your nervous system less nervous

This audio includes a short box breathing exercise and a mixture of the contract/relax technique and visualization to help you relieve stress.

Do not listen to this while you are driving or doing anything that requires your attention elsewhere.

Last week, I wrote about the 3A Triad of Stress Management. Today, I’d like to share a breathing and visualization exercise with the aim of:

  1. Staying in the moment to
  2. deepen breathing in order to
  3. boost body awareness to
  4. ease bodily tension
  5. and cue a more calm state of mind.

    With practice, you can consciously ease your stress and deepen relaxation.

    Your body is constantly listening in on your thoughts and reacts to those thoughts unconsciously. As you entertain stressful thoughts, the red-light reflex kicks in and your muscles tense up.

    Here’s the good news:

    Using time-tested mindfulness techniques, you can activate the green-light reflex. Your mind is listening to your body, too. By deepening your breathing and consciously easing muscle tension, your autonomic nervous system sends out a useful signal: “I am not being chased by a bear.”

    You can use box breathing anytime. Breathe in for 4, hold for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4, repeat as necessary to increase calm in the face of stress.

    The rest of today’s audio exploration is meant to be performed on your bed, on a couch or on the floor if you can get comfortable. As long as you are comfortable and can take approximately 20 minutes to yourself without distractions, you can deepen this practice to ease your stress.

    This recording has been a Blanket Fort Production by Robert Chazz Chute of, all rights reserved.

    For more stress management tips, check out Do The Thing by Robert Chazz Chute.

The Big Calorie Lie and a Powerful Visualization

Visualization Makes a Better Day

A good diet is not as simple as calories in/calories out. The kind of calories (and the hormones released are variables, too.) On today’s show, I talk briefly about the big lies nutrition labels tell us. Then, to ease your stress, we dig into a powerful visualization designed to make your life easier.

Start with the key: a deep breath brings and an easy visualization slows your nervy nervous system and brings your mind back to the present moment.

On Sponsor, Patrons, Rewards and Advertising

This show is brought to you by my book, Do the Thing! I don’t cover everything in the book on the podcast. This is more of a complement to that. For a ton of ideas to improve your life and achieve a higher degree of productivity and success, go pick up Do the Thing!, available on Amazon in ebook or paperback.

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Extra special thanks to my first patron, RF Kacy!

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The disclaimer I stole from Tim Ferriss’s blog (because he’s so good):

“The material on this blog is for informational purposes only. As each individual situation is unique, you should use proper discretion, in consultation with a health care practitioner, before undertaking the protocols, diet, exercises, techniques, training methods, or otherwise described herein. The author and publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained herein.”

Robert Chute is a massage therapist with 24 years experience who works in stress, pain management and injury rehabilitation. A former journalist, Robert is also the author of many books, ranging from non-fiction to science fiction, horror, fantasy and crime thrillers. If you’re interested in his fiction, you’ll find his books under his pen name, Robert Chazz Chute.

Do the Scrunchy Thing!

Welcome to the All That Chazz Stress Relief Podcast, now available on iTunes!

I’d love to get the revamp of the show recognized as new and noteworthy so please take a moment to review the podcast. That helps people dig my stress management vibe.

(If you’re reading this text at and can’t see the mp3 player, open the Read more tab below.)

On today’s podcast, I have another podcast recommendation. I’ll teach you the wonders of the scapular slide and we’ll do a short exercise in progressive muscle relaxation combined with a breathing visualization to help you fall asleep tonight.


The show is brought to you by the companion book, Do the Thing! 

You’ll find lots more ideas to manage your time, stress, pain and energy in my book, Do the Thing! The Last Stress Management Book You’ll Ever Need.

Available here:

Amazon US

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Amazon UK

If you dig the plethora of tools, tips and tricks in Do the Thing!, please review it. 

Find all books by this author at

Hey! Don’t take health advice from a podcaster. If you are in pain or otherwise in need, please consult a healthcare professional, of course! 

Music credits:

“Easy Lemon (30 second)” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

“Easy Lemon (60 second)” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

~ Robert Chazz Chute is a former journalist, an award winning writer, podcaster and manual therapist who works in stress and pain management. He is the author of more than twenty books, including crime thrillers, science fiction, horror and two short story anthologies. Check out his books in the links to the right. Enjoy!