Getting better: Video of cupping for the knee

This video was my first experiment with Meerkat, the new livestreaming app. Therefore, no editing and nothing fancy here. Just a quick bit about treating a bum knee and showing what cupping looks like. The circles on your skin last a couple of days but the process loosens up the fascia and other soft tissue. Exercise is the main thing to recover from knee injury most of the time. Have a look, and hear the full podcast about the changes I’m making (and what’s happened to me) in the post below: Weight loss for a Loser.

Cupping can look a little gross. Fair warning.

2014 resolutions: How winning is done

Fresh year. Clean slate. New attitudes. New you. How about it?

I’ve been away a while. Had some health problems. Had some issues. However, I didn’t (couldn’t) wait until the New Year to start making major changes. It turns out, the key to change was deciding to.

When that failed, I decided to again. That choice isn’t made once each New Year’s Eve. It has to be made each morning, each hour and each minute.

Come with me if you want to live.

#VIDEO: Season One of This Plague of Days

In the first wave of the Sutr Virus, sixty percent of the earth’s population dies of influenza.

In Kansas City Missouri, see the plague unfold through the eyes of a boy on the autism spectrum. The siege has begun. 

In Britain, a virologist discovers the woman he trusts most in the world is one of the conspirators who unleashed the Sutr virus on the world. The plague will not stop with flu. It’s coming for you.

As the second wave of the virus strikes, ordinary people turn into rampaging cannibals. Watch London’s fall. The bubonic plague has nothing on the Sutr virus.

Season Two hits in two weeks. The virus continues to evolve. What’s next?

You are next.

Get Season One of This Plague of Days for free until midnight Sept. 19!

This Plague of Days, Episode 2: An emissary arrives

Episode 2 of the horror serial that reads like World War Z but bends your expectations of zombie horror is here. With autism and Latin phrases.

TPOD Episode 2

Read This Plague of Days. And please, wash your hands frequently.

This Plague of Days, Episode One (99 cents)

This Plague of Days, Episode Two (99 cents)

Episode 3 arrives in one week!

Or just grab

This Plague of Days, Season One for $3.99 now and get the whole sweet, grim, fun beach read at once.


Here’s how to #share on #Vine

Click it to grab it
Click it to grab it

(If you can’t hear this vine, click the unmute button in the top left of the picture.)

Jay Hash is a cool guy who generously gave me and my book and a shout out last night.

If you want to share a post, touch the little arrow button. The share window will give you Facebook, Twitter and embed options. Email the embed to yourself and you can use the link on a blog. Your blog must be enabled to handle an embed.

To find out more about Vine, the latest app news and updates and how to promote your business without feeling spammy, check out  Six Seconds at


~ Have you caught the mind virus yet? Read, love, review

An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running Dead
An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running Dead

and spread the contagion that is This Plague of Days (and see the coolest teaser trailer in the world below. Great video!)

This Plague of Days: The mind virus is spreading. Have you caught it yet?

This Plague of Days pits an autistic boy against a rising zombie horde. As the world we know comes apart, the infected become cannibals. Take elements of The Stand and Cell, mix in World War Z and 28 Days Later with a terrorist plot and a strange boy with an obsession for Latin phrases and wham! A zombie apocalypse you’re going to love. Find out more at

Get it week to week and episode by episode for just 99 cents or get all of Season 1 at a discount now.


An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running Dead
An autistic boy + The Ungrateful Living versus The Running DeadSpread the infection.

Spread the infection.