Say goodbye to TPOD

The first draft of the trilogy took two years to write. As I expanded the story to go beyond one family’s fight to survive, I made it a global conflict with an evolving bioterror threat that would change the world. Revisions took another year. Plans for an audiobook are in the works and soon I’ll reveal a new look for this trilogy.

For the next few days, the ebook for This Plague of Days will be on sale for just 99¢.

This Plague of Days has been my bestselling series for a long time. However, change is coming. It’s time to revamp the covers. We’re working on that so, in the meantime, I’m having a Goodbye TPOD sale. The first season will return to the regular price on September 3, 2019.

But did you know I have other books set at 99¢?

This collection of shorts explores various apocalyptic scenarios. All Empires Fall packs in a lot of fun at a low low price. If the end of the world fascinates you, pick this one up!

Besides apocalyptic epics like The Dimension War Series, AFTER Life and Robot Planet, I also love to write killer crime thrillers.

The cops always show up late so this short story collection mostly focuses on my specialty: Bad versus Evil. Villains, anti-heroes, complicated people who don’t understand their place in the world. That’s my sweet, sweet jam. It will be yours, too, and for just 99¢, you can get a cheap sample and lots of entertainment in Sometime Soon, Somewhere Close.

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