PODCAST: Storm Trooper on a Unicycle Edition

Harassing old ladies, seeing things and disputing false copyright infringement claims.

Get your book, business or podcast mentioned for a donation. Or better yet, buy my books! Email me at expartepress@gmail.com or leave a comment below if you’d like to say hello. Okay, commercial’s over.

This podcast punches reality in the pills with the heavy boot of nonsense and conscience Tuesdays and Fridays. If you like it, please give a happy review on iTunes so I don’t stay a secret. Your review will break that old witch’s curse and I can be a man instead of this wretch you see before you!

Thanks for listening.

UPDATE: I talk about getting a nasty notice from YouTube for my video AllThatChazz.com. A couple of hours after releasing the latest podcast, I received an email from YouTube alerting me that the company erroneously claiming I infringed on their copyrighted material has released that claim. You’re damn skippy, they did! Justice prevails.

Podcast: The Unintended Consequences Edition

How do you make a town gay? Should authors respond to bad reviews? Unnecessary conflict. All is gently probed in this podcast which is a plea for sweetness in disguise.

To see the original article I’m talking about in the show and for more commentary, go here. For the books by Elle Lothlorien, get them on Amazon here.

To support the podcast, hit the donate button or email me at expartepress@gmail.com about sponsorship so I will advertise your book, podcast or business (as long as you aren’t a crazy racist or something.)

Like suspense with twists and a quirky sense of humour? Check out my books here. Thanks for listening every Tuesday and Friday!

PODCAST: The Big Fat Failure Edition

Regrets? I’ve had a few. Let’s aim higher and squirrel some inspiration out of the most melancholic edition of the podcast yet.

Support Indies Unite for Joshua. Only a few days left.

This podcast punches you in the brain gently Tuesdays and Fridays with topical news, comedy, commentary (occasional thoughtful mourning like today’s show) and coming soon, Fiction Fridays! Soon I’ll be podcasting my new crime novel. In the meantime, stick around as I worm into your ears with my peculiar brand of whimsy.

Please support the podcast with a happy review, donate by clicking the yellow donate button by the show notes or go for a sponsorship and get your book, business or podcast advertised on iTunes and Stitcher. Email me at expartepress@gmail.com about that, as long as you aren’t a crazy person.

Are you joining Stitcher for the free and easy streaming of podcasts? Good choice. Use the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS and you’ll be entered for a draw of a $100 cash card, too.

Lots more is coming. Brace yourself.

PODCAST: The Batman Forgives Edition

Batman, how gay marriage affects you, fear, faith, The Devil, your brain, the nature of forgiveness and our capacity to change.

The nonsense and conscience continues with the new and improved format. More pith, less pits! Shorter, punchier and coming at you every Tuesday and Friday. (Friday fiction’s coming soon as I begin to podcast my book.) Until then? Delicious schadenfreude and brief pontificating. And bloopers! If you hate the show, you’ll still love the books…or so goes my hypothesis. Make it a proven theory and buy the books through  the links above. Gee. That was easy! If you like the books, please be sure to leave a happy review. I’m drowning in obscurity over here!

If you like the show, please leave a happy review on iTunes. It helps with rankings. If you really like the show, consider donating. If you really, really like the show and you’re not crazy, consider donating more and I’ll mention your book, podcast or business. Contact expartepress@gmail.com for more details.

Want a chance at a $100 cash card? Join Stitcher Radio by downloading the free Stitcher app and use the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS and whammo! You’re in their draw.

My buddy Mosno asks the key question: What would Batman do? Kevin Smith talks Fat Man on Batman. Me? I talk about how Batman is woven into the fabric of our lives…and we are not measuring up to his example. It’s clear to me now that if Jesus had a cape, a cowl and a Batmobile, he’d still be rockin’ in the free world to this day.


Self-help for Stoners: New Directions in Podcasting

Hi fellow babies, as Dr. Johnny Fever used to say. I’m going to be taking the Self-help for Stoners podcast in new directions soon. Hm. That sounds like corporate-speak uttered by a soulless robot in a suit at a vast corporation easily parodied on The Simpsons, so let’s put it this way: I’m changing the format for the Self-help for Stoners podcast starting this week.

I was shooting the wild crapola on the Skype serengeti with my buddy Dave Jackson from The School of Podcasting the other night and he mentioned he likes the variety I present here weekly. Another way of putting it is that I’m all over the road, ranting one minute and doing a skit the next and reading short stories from my collections here and there. 

So here’s my nefarious plan for world domination: I’m going to podcast twice weekly, but with shorter episodes. I will podcast my new crime thriller, one chapter at a time, once a week, as soon as it’s ready. That’s just a few weeks away as I finish revisions etc.,…. The full version of the book will be available as an ebook, paperback and with Audible.com so if you can’t wait to get your suspense doled out a week at a time, you can go get the whole thing in one fell swoop (or one foul swoop if you don’t care for my peculiar brand of whimsy.)

In the meantime, expect a couple of episodes of ranty fun each week as I go off on my lefty liberal rants, confusing an Ought with an Is and suffering from I Wish I Were King of the Universe Syndrome. There are lots more goodies to come as I ramp up my book and podcast production, my web presence, my readership, my listenership and my army of ninja monkey clones. Stay tuned.

If you like the podcasts, please leave a happy review on iTunes or hit the thumbs-up button on Stitcher. It really helps with the ranking so more happy people can join in the fun, too. And your grudging approval keeps me from jumping off this high, thin ledge. Thanks for listening.

The Sit Right Back Edition


THE ODD & THE FUNNY: Gilligan’s Isle, dead dwarf celebs and their terrible ends. Plus, I heckle myself and, man, do I deserve it!

OBLIGATORY BLURB: If you like the show, please review it on iTunes or add it to your favorites on Stitcher. To support the show or just buy me a coffee, hit the donate button  and receive many blessings on your house and possibly a new camel if Thor wishes it so.

To get the podcast on Stitcher, download the Stitcher Radio app and enter the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS for a chance at a $100 cash card.

But you’re not here for the ads (unless you’re some nutty fetishist).

You’re here for some free odd and funny. Live large! Click the magic sound player!