Do the Weight Loss Thing!

On today’s pod, I’ll tell you a little about the wonders of unlimited coffee in a Cuban resort (and how I learned to love smaller portions of food.) Then I discuss entitlement and how I combat it. I’m working on me. Please join me as I manage stress, pain, time and energy.

You’ll find lots more ideas to manage your time, stress, pain and energy in my book, Do the Thing! The Last Stress Management Book You’ll Ever Need.

Available here:

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If you dig the plethora of tools, tips and tricks in Do the Thing!, please review it. 

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Hey! Don’t take health advice from a podcaster. If you are in pain or otherwise in need, please consult a healthcare professional, of course! 

Your Guide for Stressful Times

I’ve plugged away at researching and writing this stress management guide for a couple of years (and drawing on my training and a 24-year career to inform it.) I really thought I’d publish it last January. However, I wasn’t happy enough with it. There was more to say and more to tweak. After consulting with numerous colleagues, experts and friends, it’s finally ready! Do the Thing! Read the thing!

I cover dozens and dozens of tricks, tools and tips to help readers manage stress, time, pain and energy. It’s easy, breezy, thoughtful and fun. If you’ve got stress (and who doesn’t?) I hope Do the Thing! makes your ride smoother.

All the best!


PS In the second week of January, I’ll be podcasting again! And, you guessed it, we’ll be talking stress relief. We’re going to get through the challenges of 2017, happier together.