Freebies, Giveaways & Mission Possible

Shower yourself in free ebooks & hear two chapters of Bigger Than Jesus! My hardboiled crime novel of twisty suspense is free to you from Nov. 5 to Nov. 9. That’s Book One in The Hit Man Series, but wait, there’s more!  

Sign up for the newsletter at and answer a question from Higher Than Jesus (Book 2 is only $3.99 as an ebook)  and you’ll get another free ebook.

There are similar offers in the back of my writing guides, too: Crack the Indie Author Code and Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire. Sign up for the newsletter and answer a qualifying question correctly and you could get free coupons to read the ebook of Self-help for Stoners and/or Sex, Death & Mind Control.

Anyone who signs up for the newsletter gets a plug on the podcast. Jordanna East of Journey of Jordanna East and she got a plug this week. 

Podcast sponsor: Kit Foster of

Intro clips: Mitt Romney, Charlie Chaplain from The Great Dictator, Barack Obama

Author reading on this podcast: “Mission Possible” and “What Will Stop Him”

From publishing’s rabbit’s warren

Sorry there was no podcast last week. I’ve found that publishing three ebooks and three print books at one time is somewhat time-consuming. (Who knew?!) This weekend I pulled my first all-nighter since studying anatomy and neurophysiology years ago. I can still go all night (ladies!) but the next day I wander in a fog looking for my teddy bear and a good place to walk in a circle three times and collapse, cocker spaniel-like.

I will (little doubt) publish a podcast later this week as long as I don’t have any flack from Amazon about the uploads. I shouldn’t have any problems now, but after my adventures wrestling with the publishing program Scrivener this week, I’m now a more cynical person. Stuff that should work? I don’t trust it anymore. Stuff that should work after so many attempts, yet still doesn’t? After a series of relentless failures in getting files to publish properly, you begin to expect the worst.

I’ll have news about Higher Than Jesus, Crack the Indie Author Code and Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire. Soon. I hope.

So much to do, so many mimes to kill.



Tools of the Trade: Things go awry

The podcast name has changed from Self-help for Stoners to All That Chazz. All will be explained. Meanwhile, assassins wait for Jesus in Tools of the Trade. Jesus has to get into a locked apartment and the tension stretches out to comedy because, as usual, things go awry for our favorite Cuban hit man.

Big secret: In the next episode of the podcast, something great and unprecedented is coming. Since I’m all about suspense, be sure to tune in for Episode 50 in just a few days.

Check out all the links for more suspense and to jump to the end of the crime novel, Bigger Than Jesus, by Robert Chazz Chute (available in ebook and paperback.) Make all your purchases through to support the podcast. Thanks!

Just working on revisions for my next crime novel

Here’s the opening hook to Chapter 6 of Higher Than Jesus:

There’s great power in pointing a pistol at someone who deserves it. When you aim, you feel a connection to the point of impact, like a line of energy ties the path of the bullet to the spot between the target’s eyes. When someone points a gun at you, you sense that same energetic connection. You’ve felt it several times: a spot between your shoulder blades; a crawling feeling on your forehead where the slug was to drill through; a laser’s dot over your heart. New love is like that.

Grab the foundation book of the series, Bigger Than Jesus here.

Please click it to grab the gripping, funny crime thriller by Robert Chazz Chute.

The Last Amazon Giveaway: Bigger Than Jesus

Some free fun for you: If you haven’t already grabbed the ebook Bigger Than Jesus, the last Amazon promotion is on so it’s free until Friday. Bigger Than Jesus is the foundation of The Hit Man Series and the next instalment, Higher Than Jesus, will be out at the end of September. The paperback is $9.99.

All the books are at this link. 

And now off to work on getting Jesus into deeper trouble. (It’s pronounced “HAY-SOOSE”.)

Oh, yeah. If you like it, please review it. That helps spread the word. Thanks!

The Six Words or Less Contest: Liberty wins!


Check it out here.

At the insistence of She Who Must Be Obeyed, I took a few days away from the Internet. Even when I take time of…no, maybe especially when I take time off, I come back with a refreshed perspective. As a result of the break, the next book will be a bit longer and more complex than originally planned. I also have ideas for an additional podcast and website. This is yet another example of how a supportive family makes all the difference to the art. Without the push to take a few days off, I wouldn’t have more in the pipe now.

In case you missed it, contestant Liberty Montano won the Six Words or Less Contest with “Ezekiel 25:17”. I have a great idea on how to weave that into the story and I’m working on how to use Liberty’s name on a character in the next novel in The Hit Man Series: Higher Than Jesus. 

The work progresses. I’ll have the next chapter of Bigger Than Jesus in audio for you tomorrow.