2019 Writing and Publishing Goals: Specifics

Please note: The Night Man has just been released.

It’s about a wounded warrior who returns home to the shady side of small-town America. Earnest “Easy” Jack just wanted to come home to train guard dogs and be left alone. Then his father got kidnapped. Between a billionaire’s bomb plot and dirty cops, Easy has hard problems to solve.

You can grab it now at this link or wait until tomorrow, Saturday, January 12, for fan pricing (read: free)! Either way, enjoy!

And now, on with the nigh hopelessly ambitious list of what I plan for 2019. (I said nighhopeless, dammit!)

1. Revise and publish the huge vampire novel I’ve got banked.
2. Revise and publish the huge literary novel I’ve got banked. (Or submit it to a publisher. Since it’s more literary, trad pub may be the way to go.)
3. Revise and publish my next Hit Man novel I’ve got banked (working on that now).
Publish The Night Man, my new crime thriller. I’ll do that this week.
5. Write and publish the sequel to The Night Man, launching in November.
6. Publish a big book and a novella under a pen name (in progress). 
7. Publish six anthologies (five stories each).
8. Revise and prepare three books for publication that will finally go wide, off the Amazon platform. (Here comes Kobo, Apple, etc.,…!
9. Learn how to make my AMS ads work using Dave Chesson’s course.
10. Figure out how to use Machete properly.
11. Blog three times a week, twice on AllThatChazz.com, once on ChazzWrites.com.
12. Set up the website and email etc for the launch of the pen name.
13. Write a paranormal thriller trilogy with Armand Rosamilia (the first book’s already done.)
14. Contribute 10-minute segments to the Mando Method Podcast (all about writing and publishing).
15. Send out a newsletter once a month and build my email list. (Yes, I have some ideas on that I got from Seth Godin.)
17. Facebook Live, every second Wednesday night at 8 p.m. EST.

I’m writing full-time but this list is too ambitious, isn’t it?
Fetal position.

Weeps softly.

Passes out.

Gets up.

Gets at it.