Silence and Unselfconscious Behavior

As the Trump inauguration looms, stress  rises on all sides as the arguments continue. Time for a break! On today’s podcast I talk about the value of taking a break. So you prefer a news fast or a news diet? Then a word about feeling better through unselfconscious behavior as well as a podcast recommendation.

If you enjoy this podcast, please leave a happy review on iTunes (or wherever you picked me up!) 

Links: Spalding Gray Live Performances

You’ll find lots more ideas to manage your time, stress, pain and energy in my book, Do the Thing! The Last Stress Management Book You’ll Ever Need.

Available here:

Amazon US

Amazon Canada

Amazon UK

If you dig the plethora of tools, tips and tricks in Do the Thing!, please review it. 

Find all books by this author at

Hey! Don’t take health advice from a podcaster. If you are in pain or otherwise in need, please consult a healthcare professional, of course! 

Do the Stress Relief Thing!

(If the media player above does not work in your browser, click here for the direct download link from my host, Libsyn.)

In this relaunch of the All That Chazz Podcast, we’re focusing on what’s most useful to you: stress management, pain relief, boosting energy and controlling your time. This podcast is a complement to my book, Do the Thing! 

Most folks know me as a sci-fi and horror author. However, I’ve worked in injury rehabilitation and stress management as a Registered Massage Therapist for about 24 years now. You’ll find lots of tips and tricks about the connection between posture and pain, stretching, simple exercise and general life management in Do the Thing! (available at Amazon as an ebook and paperback.) I try to make all my suggestions cheap or free and always easy.

In this first episode of the podcast revamp, I’m focussing on visualization. If you need to relax, to sleep or to ease your pain, check out this episode.

Please remember that this podcast cannot take the place of a proper medical consultation. Don’t take medical advice from a podcast. Get regular medical checkups and see a doctor if you have pain, experience changes you can’t explain or if any pain persists. That should cover it. 🙂

Music credit:

“Dreams Become Real” Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

Your Guide for Stressful Times

I’ve plugged away at researching and writing this stress management guide for a couple of years (and drawing on my training and a 24-year career to inform it.) I really thought I’d publish it last January. However, I wasn’t happy enough with it. There was more to say and more to tweak. After consulting with numerous colleagues, experts and friends, it’s finally ready! Do the Thing! Read the thing!

I cover dozens and dozens of tricks, tools and tips to help readers manage stress, time, pain and energy. It’s easy, breezy, thoughtful and fun. If you’ve got stress (and who doesn’t?) I hope Do the Thing! makes your ride smoother.

All the best!


PS In the second week of January, I’ll be podcasting again! And, you guessed it, we’ll be talking stress relief. We’re going to get through the challenges of 2017, happier together.

News, Views, Podcast Ends and Beginnings

The Self-publishing Roundtable, a podcast that’s been going on for years, is ending. I’ve been a guest and co-panelist on this one and I’m a little sad to see it go away. However, new podcasts will rise in its stead. 


In addition to my fiction, I’ve written a book about stress management. In the second week of the new year, just as your resolve about your resolutions are waning, I’ll relaunch the All That Chazz podcast as the All That Chazz Stress Relief Podcast. 

The book will be available by January 1st!

Expect the book and podcast to be fun, funny and, most of all, useful. More details soon!

Film at 11. Speakers at 11. Everything at 11.