Aiming for the next book launch in January

As my prime beta reader goes through the WIP, I’ve realized how peculiar some East Coast speech patterns and expressions are. He grew up on the West Coast, so we’re Canadians separated by vast distances and vastly different experiences.

SWMBO (She Who Must Be Obeyed) is from Toronto and enunciates every word. That influenced me, and I began to slow down and enunciate more. However, the East Coast came back easily in the dialogue in Vengeance Is Hers. It’s fun, but I won’t let the dialogue become inaccessible.

When I visited Bermuda as a kid, I loved the locals’ long vowel sounds. I spoke fast and in the back of my throat, so much so that a lovely Bermudian shopkeeper said slowly, “I dooon’t undahstaaand you.”

She spoke English. I spoke in Nova Scotian.

Today’s agenda:

1. Continue David Gaughran’s book marketing course.

2. Negotiate with the designer over the cover for the WIP.

3. Review beta reader suggestions.

4. Add to my author blog. (Ooh! Did that one, here and now! The bionic implants are working and my hip pain is gone, so you’ll see me much more active here from now on!)

5. Prep angry posts that reveal I’m empathetic because *we’re* trying to have a Star Trek future.

I am now on BlueSky. Find me