Do You Hear the People Sing?

Good news isn’t here yet, but it’s coming. Something interesting is happening. A fire has started, and the Resistance is beginning to rise. If you’re on TikTok, you need to check out two things: #worldtok and #bostontok. I found a lot of hope for the future there. Let me explain why, and maybe your mood will improve, too.


I listen to a lot of American creators. Unsurprisingly, the messages from the Divided States of America are mixed. It’s a culture at war with itself. A creator can make a trenchant argument, but it often falls on deaf ears. It’s not because of shadow banning or malicious reporting of accounts (though that does occur). It’s because the debaters are unwilling to hear solid factual information based on data. They’re not there to engage. They’re there to yell. They aren’t listening, and they have little ability to self-regulate. Guys yelling “Trump!” and pretending that’s the end of the debate have to get muted often.

Please note: There is a vast chasm between an assertion and an argument. To demonstrate, here is an example from a recent TikTok debate:

“He’s the best because I say he’s the best! And I’m an alpha!” (Those are two dubious assertions.)

Reasonable Reply: “Let me tell you about the number of follies, dangers, and pitfalls ahead for this administration. Look at this bill here. For starters, the GOP plan does not include his no tax on tips campaign promise — “

Yelling over the host: “Pussy!” (That’s also an assertion, not an argument.”

Coarse friction is not the way things often go on #worldtok. Watching creators from other countries share their thoughts is actually calming. They discuss moving away from the United States politically and financially. Americans can object to that reality. I understand why they would. However, the POTUS expects friends and allies to grovel at his feet. He pursues isolationist policies. No wonder so many have decided to cut ties with the USA. Your leadership moved away from us first.

Pushing the world toward nuclear proliferation isn’t good. Pushing allies away from trade with the US and toward China isn’t necessarily great. I do like listening to the thoughtful garden party discussions on #worldtok, though. It’s solution-oriented. There’s a lot less yelling and a lot more listening.

Note to Americans: The common message is, “We don’t hate American citizens, but their leader sure is a petulant asshole. We used to see the States as strong. Trump is both silly or dangerous.


Tom Homan, the head of ICE, warned Bostonians to get out of his way. He made it sound like Boston was about to be under siege by ICE agents. With much contempt, he threatened Boston, adding, “Hell’s coming with me!” (Jesus H. Murphy, this fuckin’ guy! Don’t ruin a great line from the movie Tombstone. Kurt Russell must hate this.)

Besides, “hell,” the way Wyatt Earp meant it, conveys that justice is coming. ICE hunting and detaining the undocumented, the documented, and American citizens with accents has nothing to do with justice. It does sound like hell, though.

The tough-guy posturing backfired in an extremely delightful way. Boston pride is strong, and they don’t like to be pushed around in ICE’s quest to round up immigrants. Boston school boards have already sprung into action to protect children. Bus drivers are under orders to keep the kids on the bus if ICE agents are waiting for them. Bostonians are moved to protect the undocumented and tell ICE officers to piss off. Gotta say, Boston has never been cooler.

A sampling #BostonTok responses from Bostonians:

“We started a revolution here before. Ever heard of the Tea Party? We’ll tip Teslas into the harbor.”

“Hell’s coming with you? Comin’ to Boston, that’s like taking sand to the beach.”

“You don’t understand Boston, or New England.”

“You’re gonna get chased down the street by a leprechaun with a fuckin’ baseball bat!”

“Don’t start a fight with the Irish.”

“You don’t get Boston Strong. Twelve years ago, we shut down the whole city just to get two people! You thnk we’re gonna put up with ya?”

And best of all, my favorite comment comes right out of Spider-Man:


I got teary when I heard that line in the movie. Teared up again hearing it on #bostontok. That is the motto of true defenders. That’s the resistance energy we need.

You know what else is great? These messages are coming from ordinary but passionate and compassionate people. It’s not a bunch of roided-up bravado from a bunch of dude-bros on too many testosterone shots and beer kegs. They don’t sound like Tom Homan, at all. Instead, many of the defenders are women. A bunch are older women, too. They’ll organize. They’ll protest. They’ll find ways to change hearts and minds. They’ll make politicians understand their seats of power are not thrones. The leaders’ job is to serve the American people, not kick all the supports out from the so-called “underclasses.”

I do not hope for violence, of course. That would harm innocent people and could be highly counterproductive. However, I appreciate the shift in energy from helplessness to proud defiance.

The first five weeks of DJT’s reign have been riddled with mistakes and disasters. Damage is done to international relationships that will take generations to repair. The world is changing, and the next four years will be perilous. There is hope, though. People who voted for him are beginning to see how he’ll hurt them.

As the injuries pile up and the regrets deepen, his popularity will plummet. It’s already happening. The negative outcomes will be terrible, but we are beginning to see cracks in his power base. It’s early in his administration, and he’s flailing, lashing out in every direction. His only clear loyalties are to Teflon Muck, Putin, and himself. More of his subjects will remember their nation was forged in defiance of the whims of kings.

The Resistance has begun. It’s a low hum in the background at the moment. Someday, maybe soon, it will finally grow to a roar.