2014 resolutions: How winning is done

Fresh year. Clean slate. New attitudes. New you. How about it?

I’ve been away a while. Had some health problems. Had some issues. However, I didn’t (couldn’t) wait until the New Year to start making major changes. It turns out, the key to change was deciding to.

When that failed, I decided to again. That choice isn’t made once each New Year’s Eve. It has to be made each morning, each hour and each minute.

Come with me if you want to live.

This isn’t from The Little Book of Braingasms, but it’s the right bitter flavor.

braingasm cover

Don’t Make Plans for Next Tuesday

We are the armies of the black,

forgotten in your shadows,

making your shoes,

working the pumps and spigots

and spitting in your food.

We are the robot brigade,

smiling at your complaints, 

seemingly impervious.

But when we go home to plug in and drop out,

we dream of you,

taking our places and our aprons.

Hearts beat beneath the name tags

that allow you to forget us.

Our wheels spin and calculate.

From behind sneeze shields,

we watch and wait.

We put in our time and dream

of Scotland,

Californian beaches

and strangling you.

Be kinder to the slaves.

When the revolution comes, 

the slaves know where the food is

and how to fix things.

We have long memories.

We are all masters of something.

We wish you hadn’t chosen sarcasm

and cynicism

and trade derivatives.

You’ll be sorry.

The compassionate will live

when the robots rise.

~ IF this is the sort of stirring silliness you enjoy, check out The Little Book of Braingasms. Read the warning on the label first, though. I’m not making a big deal about this release. It’s just something slowly percolating out there for those of us who are secretly Goth and emo. It’s full of the dark thoughts that permeate my skull when you think I’m listening.


#NSFW #Podcast: The Fugitive Edition

Back with a vengeance and All That Chazz #81! Colonoscopies! Control issues! Plus a chapter reading from Higher Than Jesus. Be sure to get your copy of Season 2 of This Plague of Days. (Learn more about an autistic boy’s battle with the zombies at the end of the world at ThisPlagueOfDays.com. It’s NOT your average zombie story!) See all the books at all the (affiliate) links in the right sidebar at AllThatChazz.com.

This podcast is sponsored by Kit Foster of KitFosterDesign.com. Music is Movement Proposition and Steel Rods by Kevin McLeod of Incompetech.com

I’ve been working on books. I’ll continue working on books. However, I’m back to a regular weekly podcast schedule for All That Chazz. Sorry for my absence. Interested in hearing great interviews with cool people? Check out my guests on the Cool People Podcast at CoolPeoplePodcast.com.


The Writing Life: Big Changes and New Ventures

Hello, Loyal Readers! (and you traitorous hater bastids, too! You know who you are!)

Here’s what’s up:

I’m powering through the last bits of This Plague of Days, Season Two. (Read this post at ThisPlagueOfDays.com to find out more about the exciting stuff coming in Season Two.)

As the summer winds down and I toil on the manuscript, things have gotten a little crazy. Okay. Maybe the crazy is just me, but the point is, I’m overwhelmed with work. Solution? Oddly, the solution is: Add more work. 

In order to pay bills and get life on track, I’m starting another business in addition to Ex Parte Press. My daughter asked me today about my plans for the fall. 

“Daddy is setting up another business, sweetie. That’s what daddy does because regular jobs give daddy a rash.” It’s true. I have control issues, meaning I have to be in control to function in the world. If someone tries to control me, I alternate between depression and anxiety. There’s also a little bit of Jesus Diaz in me that gets activated. (If you don’t get that, you need to get this and this!)

Still…another business? Again?

It’s not despair I feel…I don’t think. It shouldn’t be despair. I admit that I do wish I could make Ex Parte Press work faster so all I had to do was write. (Hell, while we’re at it, why not hot and cold running interns, a latte fountain and a lottery win?)

However, I get excited about doing creative things. Starting up businesses is creative, too. It gives me anxiety, but also nervous energy that I can pour into all my endeavours. I crave constant stimulation. Whether it’s writing or helping people solve problems, business ventures and new books are on the same artful continuum.

But why another business now?

My publishing company isn’t making enough money to afford a vanilla bean latte fountain…yet.

I must emphasize: YET. Here’s why I’m optimistic:

This Plague of Days and Bigger Than Jesus have some big publicity coming their way soon. I’m revamping Crack the Indie Author Code for print and getting back marketing control of Self-help for Stoners. I have big plans for the third book (and a bunch written already) in the Hit Man Series. I’m already 25,000 words into This Plague of Days, Season ThreeIn November, I’ll speak at the London Central Library for an evening of readings and publishing Q&A. I’m juggling a lot of balls, but with heavy demand, I’m a high-functioning  cyborg from outer space.

I’m activating marketing plans for more of my books while writing more books. There aren’t enough hours in the day for all I want to create. Sometimes the headaches and insomnia hit when it’s all too much. Sometimes I work on stories and plans in my sleep. (No, really. That’s true.) In the past two years, since starting Ex Parte Press, I’ve published ten books. Despite my other business start-up, I do not anticipate my publishing pace will slow.

I’ve got big plans on several fronts. There’s much reason to be optimistic.

This Plague of Days is beginning to get traction. It’s a time of uproar as I fight to get another income stream started and my kids begin to attend two different schools. Our busy schedules are more complicated just as I launch more books and prep for the fall and Christmas book season. Plus, my podcasts and many blogs will continue. I am your friendly neighbourhood writing machine and together, we will overcome. I am Resolve.

Because of Season Two of TPOD, the All That Chazz podcast has necessarily been on hiatus for August. (The family wanted family time for a change and we had a nice and necessary break before diving back in.)

This is not a struggle. This is Nemo: Just keep swimming! Just keep swimming!

A new episode of the All That Chazz podcast returns next week!

(Check out the latest Cool People Podcast here. )



Horror’s Exploration: A gentle invitation to my Plague of Days

Dark halfI  think a lot about you and I

taking up residence in Nowhere’s Middle.

I think how comfortable you are.

I want to make you uncomfortable but 

you’ll forgive me. Probably.

Discomfort is the trip explorers pay for.

I want to drag you into the darkness

and shine a light

on the secrets you keep from yourself.

My stories are about your secrets.

I probe your doubts with my tongue.

I prick your fears with a million little needles 

disguised as words.

My mission is to crawl inside your mind

to rearrange the furniture

to peer in cupboards

to reach into the rear of the junk drawer.

I dig behind bedroom walls.

I pry out dirty little truths

with sweet lies.

I write on your nerves. 

You read on the edge of your seat.

Not everyone who deserves to die

will be killed.

Photo1 Few among those you love will survive.

We’ll explore the cobwebbed basement together.

Brace yourself. There’s no armour over your heart where we’re going.

Once you think you’re ready,

see the world as I spin it.

Let’s take a trip into the Deceptive Familiar

at the sharp Edge of Nowhere

where heroes and villains 

trade black and white hats

for fun and profit and meaning.

We’ll find dreams and treasures

amid the foundation’s ruins

and Ruin’s foundation.

Take my hand at the top of the stairs.

Let’s descend together.

It’s the only way to see everything

and escape the tangled net of secrets

you keep in a three-pound box of bone. 

WOW! I love the company I’m in on Amazon’s free list!

Screen Shot 2013-07-31 at 3.38.02 PMI interviewed Hugh Howey for the Cool People Podcast. Solid author! Wonderful guy! Funny guy! Fun interview! If you haven’t read Wool, Part One yet, of course you must! I love it!

Don’t worry about Hugh. He’s #1 in paid as well and he’ll retake #1 in free any moment.  He’ll take up residence on both lists so long, he’ll have to wait for the cable guy to show up to install a huge plasma TV and sectional couch to get comfortable.

I’m just whizzing through with a backpack full of MREs, running for the hills from the zombie apocalypse. Anyway, if you enjoy dystopian and apocalyptic horror with weird twists, Latin phrases and dictionary obsessions (and who doesn’t?) please download This Plague Of Days, Episode One. It’s getting five-star reviews and I’m so happy right now, it’s obnoxious.

Of course, please do pimp, pump up, tweet, Facebook and share the bump of love for my autistic boy facing the end of the world in Episode One of This Plague of Days. It’s free until tomorrow at midnight!

I draw the line at mime and interpretive dance, but do tell friends, fans and fiends that Episode One is free. Thanks!

Still not sure? Check out these links at ThisPlagueOfDays.com and ChazzWrites.com. Cheers!

~ Chazz