wins among the top self-publishing blogs of 2012!, my blog about writing and publishing, made it as a top ten 2012 Finalist among Self-publishing blogs!

Very happy about becoming a finalist. Great company on this list! I’m hoping this translates to more sales of the books of the blog:

Crack the Indie Author Code 


Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire

Or, for the latest, go to

The Death by Ewok Edition

Get a free ebook to help you publish and persevere: Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire. It’s free to download from Amazon from Tuesday to Saturday! See all the book links at

On the podcast: Brian MacKenzie of A former combat diver, Brian patrols the streets on a unicycle in a Scouttrooper uniform. We also find out what an Arctic turnip is, and it’s awful. I found out unicycling is surprisingly cool. I also learned that when you have a helmet that obscures your face and someone takes your picture, you still smile for the camera. Fun chat.

Help a disabled hero, Trevor Greene, become bionic at

Check out the Kit Foster’s portfolio at for Amazing book covers, Quote Art, web banners and more.

Thanks for listening!

Freebies, Giveaways & Mission Possible

Shower yourself in free ebooks & hear two chapters of Bigger Than Jesus! My hardboiled crime novel of twisty suspense is free to you from Nov. 5 to Nov. 9. That’s Book One in The Hit Man Series, but wait, there’s more!  

Sign up for the newsletter at and answer a question from Higher Than Jesus (Book 2 is only $3.99 as an ebook)  and you’ll get another free ebook.

There are similar offers in the back of my writing guides, too: Crack the Indie Author Code and Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire. Sign up for the newsletter and answer a qualifying question correctly and you could get free coupons to read the ebook of Self-help for Stoners and/or Sex, Death & Mind Control.

Anyone who signs up for the newsletter gets a plug on the podcast. Jordanna East of Journey of Jordanna East and she got a plug this week. 

Podcast sponsor: Kit Foster of

Intro clips: Mitt Romney, Charlie Chaplain from The Great Dictator, Barack Obama

Author reading on this podcast: “Mission Possible” and “What Will Stop Him”

Thought for the Day: Creation

We don’t know if we were created by a god or a cosmic programmer. It’s possible we’re all merely a fluke of the universe or a subtle joke.

But we know we were forged in starlight.

That sounds important. Are you taking up the responsibility of your high office? Are you acting how something made of starlight should act?

Now is your time. Use that energy well. Don’t waste it.

When you are kind, you create harmony. When you form relationships or make something to enjoy (a friendship, a meal, a book, a living and a life) you create yourself.

Today, aspire to inspire. 
