UPDATE! Bigger Than Jesus is now #1 hardboiled and #13 in Action & Adventure! Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Thor!
Thanks to this giveaway, my book about Cuban hit man, Jesus Diaz, on the run from the mob and the FBI just hit #1 on the free Hardboiled list! Click it to grab it, and thanks for helping me fly!
Did Han shoot first? This week Jesus comes under fire from Jimmy Lima, underboss of New York’s Spanish mob, The Machine. A game of bad versus evil turns from cherry pie to gunfire in two (count ’em, two!) chapters of Bigger Than Jesus by Robert Chazz Chute. Listen for my stereotypically Canadian pronunciation of “about”.
Grab it on Amazon, and if you shop on Amazon for anything, please do so through AllThatChazz.com and they throw me a few crumbs to support the podcast and Ex Parte Press. Thank you!
Some free fun for you: If you haven’t already grabbed the ebook Bigger Than Jesus, the last Amazon promotion is on so it’s free until Friday. Bigger Than Jesus is the foundation of The Hit Man Series and the next instalment, Higher Than Jesus, will be out at the end of September. The paperback is $9.99.
The paperback is out and yes, it’s BIGGER THAN JESUS! Note the endorsement from bestselling author Claude Bouchard! See the back cover, all designed by the great Kit Foster of KitFosterDesign.com!
Now in paperback! Click it to grab it for just $9.99.
The paperback is very much like the ebook…with a few changes to the text. If the ebook was everything you desired, but you prefer to have a book you can lick, then you too can own this book made of paper instead of pixels! (Strange, I know.) All for only $9.99! Order now and enjoy! And thus concludes this ad. Much celebration in the bunker this evening… Hey, kid. Pass the sacramental wine.
I’m writing more posts for readers instead of just writing for writers. I love you all, but I haven’t reached out to readers enough on AllThatChazz beyond the weekly podcasts. (If you’re a reader with questions, email at expartepress AT gmail DOT com or hit me up on Twitter @rchazzchute.)
As the Ronco hawkers used to say, “But wait there’s much more!”
If you look down the left hand side of the web page, you’ll also spot a ton of new links to stuff on Amazon, from books to the latest, coolest Amazon blogs, The Hot Deal of the Day, gift cards, Lightning Deals and a link so you can purchase an inexpensive e-reader.
Have I sold out and gone commercial? Gee, I hope so. A dude’s gotta eat. Every time you click one of those links and buy on Amazon, they send me a few crumbs, which, not for nothing, no other store is going to do, so being an Amazon Affiliate seems reasonable. I sell books that are read on free reading apps, but primarily on kindles. Naturally, I want people to buy more kindles so there’s an ad for how to get a cheap kindle.
To support art, this is what the marketplace looks like now. No apologies. Do I miss musty shops and the smell of pipe smoke as the proprietors, an elderly British couple, totter amid the towering stacks of books and make tea while I hunt for treasure in an ancient bookstore on a Sunday afternoon? Sure. I also miss the guy who used to deliver milk. Some people have problems with Amazon because they’re winning. Amazon dominates because they’re (usually) good at what they do. That’s what competition and capitalism are all about when it works, I guess.
I promote Amazon without hesitation because that’s one of the places I sell my
A gripping novella of murder and betrayal bundled with suspenseful short stories that will keep you up tonight. These are the foundation stories of the coming Poeticule Bay Series. New price: only $1.99!
books. I can’t afford a hissy fit about nostalgia. I’m a working writer. Sorry. In anticipating objections, I sound defensive about the new ads on the site. I doubt anyone really cares that, much — or at least no one who’s curious enough to click on a Lightning Deal or the Hot Deal of the Day.
I guess my answer is, the books are not only packed full of suspense and twists, they’re also super cheap and the podcasts stay fun and free. Amazon’s helping, so please give the links a click. Or even buy a book. Thanks.
Bigger Than Jesus, my new crime novel, is free for you (June 28 only!). Download your free ebook on June 28 from Amazon here. Plus hear a reading from The Dangerous Kind & Other Stories by Robert Chazz Chute.
I hope you enjoy my books. If you like them, please click the LIKE button on Amazon and click “Agree with these tags” (at the bottom of the book’s sales page.) Most important, if you love it, please review it. Reviews support the podcast and my tiny life. Thanks much!