Say goodbye to TPOD

The first draft of the trilogy took two years to write. As I expanded the story to go beyond one family’s fight to survive, I made it a global conflict with an evolving bioterror threat that would change the world. Revisions took another year. Plans for an audiobook are in the works and soon I’ll reveal a new look for this trilogy.

For the next few days, the ebook for This Plague of Days will be on sale for just 99¢.

This Plague of Days has been my bestselling series for a long time. However, change is coming. It’s time to revamp the covers. We’re working on that so, in the meantime, I’m having a Goodbye TPOD sale. The first season will return to the regular price on September 3, 2019.

But did you know I have other books set at 99¢?

This collection of shorts explores various apocalyptic scenarios. All Empires Fall packs in a lot of fun at a low low price. If the end of the world fascinates you, pick this one up!

Besides apocalyptic epics like The Dimension War Series, AFTER Life and Robot Planet, I also love to write killer crime thrillers.

The cops always show up late so this short story collection mostly focuses on my specialty: Bad versus Evil. Villains, anti-heroes, complicated people who don’t understand their place in the world. That’s my sweet, sweet jam. It will be yours, too, and for just 99¢, you can get a cheap sample and lots of entertainment in Sometime Soon, Somewhere Close.

To grab your deals, the links to the right will take you to

To be taken to your country’s Amazon store, use this link:

What’s the big This Plague of Days launch deal? Free ebook, secret videos and love

The ebooks of This Plague of Days are finally available on Amazon. However, there’s more here than meets the eye! You can click quick on the covers below, or go to this link at and find out about the deals, markdowns, secret video and the free thriller you can get with the purchase of the Omnibus Edition.


This Plague of Days S3 (2)


Thanks so much for

your enthusiasm

for This Plague of Days!

Autism and zombies

do mix!

The Writing Life: The Numbers Diary

As I poke through two piles of receipts, I’m thinking about the last year. Tax time is a diary of numbers. It’s mostly depressing, first because accounting is a job I don’t want to do. Second, because it’s a job that would have been easier if I’d kept track of everything all along instead of saving it all up for an Easter weekend blitz.

It’s also sad to see the things that didn’t work. Google Adwords and Facebook  Ads (for business #2) was a sinkhole with negative returns. “Negative returns” means it sucked. When the outgo outpaces the income, it starts to make you reevaluate your vocational choices. If I hadn’t been so afraid of public speaking, I could have been a lawyer, I suppose. I cured myself of the public speaking phobia (and probably dodged a bullet by not going into law.) Probably saved myself an ulcer and several clients from life sentences by staying the hell out of that profession.

One of the things I did that showed up in the receipts was donate to Authors Supporting Our Troops. It’s a good cause no matter what political stripe you wear. As for the many little bills that add up to a tower, I’m doing like we all do. I’m a shark. I move forward. I’m making headway and I’m hopeful.

Two of the beta readers for This Plague of Days Season 3 have returned their notes already and the feedback is very positive. Stunningly so. It’s exactly what I hoped it would be. I can’t wait to get through recording my receipts so I can get back to the real business I’m in.

Writing is bigger than the bills. It always will be.

Despite being bitten by a vampire, I’m still alive

Photo from 2013-12-07I’ve been unwell, but each morning when I wake up, I think about This Plague of Days and what comes next. I think about the holes in the plot I must plug and the nice people I have to kill (some even in fiction.) Armies of humans, zombies and vampires will gather to fight for the future and some characters we’ve come to know well are not going to live to see it. Fear not. I’ll balance out the bleak, the outrageous and the hopeful…somehow.

Writing a serial this big is not easy. It’s not digging frozen ditches in December difficult, but it has its challenges. That’s why I appreciate your kind reviews and emails so much. You nurture me. You keep me going. I can hardly wait to hit you with Season 3 of This Plague of Days. I just read another five-star review of TPOD! Wow! I’m so happy about how things are working out.

I had planned to write another book first, but Jaimie Spencer kept coming to me in my dreams and telling me to let the last of the trilogy unfold and get to it. I’m not even kidding. The boffo conclusion of This Plague of Days is a persistent itch that only writing can scratch. And so, yes, be assured I’m working on it. Not as fast as either of us would prefer, I suppose, but each week I steal a few more hours to chisel at the block of granite. The story is emerging in surprising ways.

All runners stumble

This week I allowed a vampire (an energy vampire) to sap me of creativity. I lost sleep and time and got sick. I allowed the vampire into my brain when he had not earned that privilege nor was he invited. If you have even a little success, occasionally you’ll become the target of a stalker or get a rude message from people with ulterior motives. An email dripping with condescension threw me off my stride. Lesson learned. I’ll hit the spam button faster next time. 

And so I come back to what’s important: creating great experiences for me and my readers. I love to play with words. I love to tell stories. I thank every single reader who digs what I do and lets me know they get it. This Plague of Days is our party and, honestly, letting go of the guest of honor, Jaimie Spencer, will be hard to do.

For me, leaving Jaimie and the Spencers behind to write other books is going to be like leaving The Last Cafe…and that statement will be explained in Season 3 of This Plague of Days.

We appreciate your patience. Please stand by…

My Covers for Season Two of This Plague of Days by Kit Foster of


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For Joel Friedlander’s Ebook Cover Design Awards (since I guess I have to pick one), I’m nominating the Season II, Episode 5 cover below:


Just for the extra implied menace, I had to go with this cover, but I love all the covers of this serial (Season One was brilliant, too!)
Just for the extra implied menace, I had to go with this cover, but I love all the covers of this serial (Season One was brilliant, too!) I love all of Kit Foster’s cover art. Kit has won two awards from Joel Friedlander for two of my books already, so if you’re looking for a cover designer, definitely check out Kit’s work at

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This Plague of Days 2 E3 0918

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