PODCAST: Bigger Than Jesus Chapter 1

Bigger Than Jesus by Robert Chazz Chute (my funny crime thriller) is earning five-star reviews. This summer, I’m reading it a chapter at a time. If you want the whole thing at once, that’s easy! It’s yours for $2.99 here. Couch change!


“Worthy of Elmore Leonard with a backstory that is shades of Thomas Harris!”

 “Punchy dialogue and plot twists that keep you moving from one calamity to the next with no time to catch your breath.”

“What a fun ride of a crime thriller!”

“Hot girl on the cover didn’t hurt.”

Bigger Than Jesus is the story of a hit man who wants to get out of The Machine,  New York’s Spanish mob. To escape with his girlfriend (the lovely Lily Vasquez) Jesus Diaz will have to steal a fortune in mafia money and cheat death at every step. He might even have to kill his best friend to get away, if his best friend doesn’t kill him first. It’s like a Coen brothers’ movie where the wide and easy road out of town is fraught with danger. Buy it now for only $2.99!

While you’re there, pick up Robert Chazz Chute’s latest collection of Poeticule Bay stories in The Dangerous Kind and Other Stories. Also, just $2.99.

Self-help for Stoners: More suspense mixed with life lessons. This is the War of Art on weed! Get it now for just $2.99!

Sex, Death & Mind Control (for fun & profit) is my favorite collection of suspense and strangeness for, you guessed it, only $2.99. 

As always, if you love them, please review them. It helps! Thanks so much.

~ Chazz


PODCAST: The Your Free Ebook Edition

Bigger Than Jesus, my new crime novel, is free for you (June 28 only!). Download your free ebook on June 28 from Amazon here. Plus hear  a reading from The Dangerous Kind & Other Stories by Robert Chazz Chute. 

Grab The Dangerous Kind & Other Stories on Amazon for just $2.99 here.

I hope you enjoy my books. If you like them, please click the LIKE button on Amazon and click “Agree with these tags” (at the bottom of the book’s sales page.) Most important, if you love it, please review it. Reviews support the podcast and my tiny life. Thanks much!

PODCAST: A Gift for the Quick

This is a special offer of a free ebook from now until midnight June 19th.

If you are an early adopter who downloads this podcast between 6PM and Midnight of June 19th, you can download my funny, twisty crime thriller, Bigger Than Jesus for FREE! That’s right! Free! Sorry if you missed it, but for only$2.99, it’s yours! (Couch change!)

Click the cover to see if you were one of the early downloaders:

Please click it to grab it now. Make sure you check, is it $2.99 or free? Great either way, but I don’t want anyone deceived, either. Okay? Okay!

If you like Bigger Than Jesus, please review it on Amazon. Think of it like a Coen brothers’ movie: Bad things happen on the wide and easy road out of town as a hit man tries to escape the mob with the stolen skim. Discover the answer to the question: What waits in locker 408?

Don’t have a kindle? No problem. Just google “free kindle reading app” and it’s yours on any device! See you Friday! Thanks!

Don’t forget! Get Bigger Than Jesus!

The next full episode of Self-help for Stoners is coming on Friday.

PODCAST: The In Defence of Dumb Edition

Father’s Day, bitter childhood memories, suicidal thoughts, burnt chicken and how Obama could lose in November.

Hey, if you want to have your book, business or podcast mentioned on my podcast, hit the donate button and then send me an email at expartepress@gmail.com. If you’re not a crazy racist, there’s an excellent chance I’ll pump up your stuff on Self-help for Stoners.

If you like the pod, please leave a happy review on iTunes or hit the thumbs up button on Stitcher. Not on Stitcher? It’s a free app (I love) that streams to your device without bothering to download shows. Join now and use the promo code SELFHELPSTONERS and you will be entered into a draw for a $100 cash card. Nice, huh?

Self-help for Stoners comes at you Tuesdays and Fridays, but not this week. This week, I’m broadcasting across the world just once for this, the Father’s Day episode. I’m into the formatting stage of my crime novel, Bigger Than Jesus, coming extremely soon now. Listeners to the podcast will find out more first. Very excited here at Ex Parte Press headquarters. The fatted (tofu) calf is being buttered and the peasants are rejoicing. See you next week.

PODCAST: The First Fiction Friday Edition

A little suspense as an old woman gets lost in the Maine woods for our first Fiction Friday! Please leave a happy review on iTunes if you like the podcast. Thanks for listening! (Please note that though this episode does not contain sex, violence or strong profanity, it might not be safe for work, nor is it suitable for young children. If that’s a concern, turn down the volume, get out your headphones or find a podcast about Disney.)

For regular listeners to the program: This week’s podcast is a little different. I lifted a chapter from one of my works in progress for your listening pleasure. There are hints and shades of Stephen King, I suppose. This is kind of a bridge chapter in a gathering mystery from the first of my Poeticule Bay Series of novels. I chose it because, though it’s part of a much larger story in which Connie Whedon plays a small part, it can stand on its own and I like the building tension in it. I hope you do, too.


~ Chazz