On today’s podcast:
1. Your micro-biome and cravings.
2. The most effective exercise doesn’t take long at all.
3. When does arguing help? Is it worth it? It turns out the answer is 4% of the time (at best!)
On this episode of the All That Chazz Stress Relief Podcast, I rant a little and I expect some arguing. Yes, there will be some listeners who will object to what I have to say on principle. But what if your principles are killing you? I had a negative experience this week that reminded me why I work the way I do. I’m arguing that we should argue the right way, but also with the right people. Bubbles and echo chambers are frequently derided on social media but they are valuable if your priority is your health.
There are times to take a stand, surely. However, a lot of arguing is drama which produces heat, not light.
Wild Diet Update
I’m down 6.9 pounds after three weeks. I think I overdid the nuts, dairy and coconut oil so I’m cutting back a bit on the secondaries and amping up the vegetables to boost my weight loss. I’m very happy with this nutrition template. I’m eating better and enjoying more interesting foods. I did have my first cheat meal Sunday night and discovered that eating the way I used to isn’t as alluring as I’d thought.
Sample menu: bone broth, green smoothie, lamb, peppers and spinach and water, water, water and coffee.
On today’s podcast, I reference another podcast, Serious Inquiries Only. Here are three episodes that relate to arguing, changing minds (and not changing minds):
I suggest you also check out these two episodes regarding arguments that spring from different worlds:
SIO20: Can We Change Minds? and SIO21: Be Reasonable, with Michael Marshall.
I also discuss HIIT, High-Intensity Interval Training. For more on this topic, check out this short Quirks and Quarks podcast: One Minute of Exercise a Day Can Keep You Healthy.
Arguing for a Catch-phrase Contest:
I’m looking for a catch phrase to end the podcast. Give me a good one I can use and I’ll send you a book of your choice. Email me at expartepress@gmail.com.
This show is brought to you by my book, Do the Thing! I don’t cover everything in the book on the podcast. This is more of a complement to that. For a ton of ideas to improve your life and achieve a higher degree of productivity and success, go pick up Do the Thing!, available on Amazon in ebook or paperback.
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*Please note that if you have a health condition or concern, please consult a health care professional before proceeding with any changes to your health maintenance regimen. Don’t take medical advice from a podcast! See your doctor in person for a proper consultation.
Robert Chute is a massage therapist with 24 years experience who works in stress, pain management and injury rehabilitation. A former journalist, Robert is also the author of many books, ranging from non-fiction to science fiction, horror, fantasy and crime thrillers. If you’re interested in his fiction, you’ll find his books under his pen name, Robert Chazz Chute.
Music credit:
Floating Cities Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License