Three Quick Weight Loss Tips

Hi! Today on the All That Chazz podcast, the journey continues with three quick tips about bread, sleep and when to exercise. I’m not a trainer or a doctor. I’m just a fat guy getting thinner. Join me.

Today’s podcast is sponsored by The End of the World As I Know It by your host, Robert Chazz Chute. It’s a very Buffy the Vampire Slayer sort of series and this is Book Two (after The Haunting Lessons.) 

Pick up The Haunting Lessons, Book One of the Ghosts and Demons Series, here:

Pre-order The End of the World As I Know It here:

Thanks for supporting me and the podcast!

~ Chazz


Whatever your challenge, there’s a way

Maybe you need to keep your office clean and organized or quit gambling or derail that addiction to bad relationships, sugar coco bombs or playing with your belly button lint. Whatever it is, you can get out of that ditch. You’ll see lots of information about how your new year’s resolutions will fail. Be the exception. You know how I know we can do this? Because other people already have. What one can do, another can do. No more excuses. We all have 24 hours in a day. Use them better.

I just found out I weighed more than I thought I did.

Oh. Shit.

Okay. Breathe and…let’s go.