WOW! I love the company I’m in on Amazon’s free list!

Screen Shot 2013-07-31 at 3.38.02 PMI interviewed Hugh Howey for the Cool People Podcast. Solid author! Wonderful guy! Funny guy! Fun interview! If you haven’t read Wool, Part One yet, of course you must! I love it!

Don’t worry about Hugh. He’s #1 in paid as well and he’ll retake #1 in free any moment.  He’ll take up residence on both lists so long, he’ll have to wait for the cable guy to show up to install a huge plasma TV and sectional couch to get comfortable.

I’m just whizzing through with a backpack full of MREs, running for the hills from the zombie apocalypse. Anyway, if you enjoy dystopian and apocalyptic horror with weird twists, Latin phrases and dictionary obsessions (and who doesn’t?) please download This Plague Of Days, Episode One. It’s getting five-star reviews and I’m so happy right now, it’s obnoxious.

Of course, please do pimp, pump up, tweet, Facebook and share the bump of love for my autistic boy facing the end of the world in Episode One of This Plague of Days. It’s free until tomorrow at midnight!

I draw the line at mime and interpretive dance, but do tell friends, fans and fiends that Episode One is free. Thanks!

Still not sure? Check out these links at and Cheers!

~ Chazz

Freebies, Giveaways & Mission Possible

Shower yourself in free ebooks & hear two chapters of Bigger Than Jesus! My hardboiled crime novel of twisty suspense is free to you from Nov. 5 to Nov. 9. That’s Book One in The Hit Man Series, but wait, there’s more!  

Sign up for the newsletter at and answer a question from Higher Than Jesus (Book 2 is only $3.99 as an ebook)  and you’ll get another free ebook.

There are similar offers in the back of my writing guides, too: Crack the Indie Author Code and Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire. Sign up for the newsletter and answer a qualifying question correctly and you could get free coupons to read the ebook of Self-help for Stoners and/or Sex, Death & Mind Control.

Anyone who signs up for the newsletter gets a plug on the podcast. Jordanna East of Journey of Jordanna East and she got a plug this week. 

Podcast sponsor: Kit Foster of

Intro clips: Mitt Romney, Charlie Chaplain from The Great Dictator, Barack Obama

Author reading on this podcast: “Mission Possible” and “What Will Stop Him”

The Way Out is Through (and a bonus!)

Free ebooks! That’s right! I’m offering free ebooks as a bonus to the three new books I just published. In exchange for signing up for my newsletter, you get a shout out on the All That Chazz podcast.

Sign up for the newsletter AND answer a question from the books and bam! You get a coupon for a free ebook! To see the details of the buy-one-get-one offers, take a look in the back of these books for 1-2-3 Reader Rewards.

Higher Than Jesus (the second book in The Hit Man Series), Crack the Indie Author Code and Write Your Book: Aspire to Inspire.

in this episode: Halloween Mayans, some special shout outs and a reading from Bigger Than Jesus (also available on Amazon through the helpful affiliate link at It’s a buffet of books of suspense and helpful instruction for writers who want to be authors. And jokes. There are always jokes.

Thanks for listening!