Track failure to win (and how to save money on your phone bill)

Track what you’re doing to become more productive. On this podcast, I want to warn you about people who do INTENSITY wrong (by going all caps, pushing hard and never touching the brakes. We get into how I’m treating my knee injury, the benefits of saunas and heat shock proteins and how I saved a ton of cash with a phone call to my telephone company (and you can, too!)

I’ve come to a point in my life and practice where I have to focus very carefully to make sure I’m doing the right things. It’s very easy to get sucked into activities that waste time and are unproductive. (Listen to last week’s episode to delve into how we can end up focusing on the wrong things.)

Helpful Links About Saunas:

Here’s a list of health benefits using saunas.

Here’s the link to Dr. Rhonda Patrick on the science of heat shock benefits.

Note: On the show I mention that I stay in the sauna for up to 20 minutes at a time. Your mileage, tolerance and sauna temperatures may vary so follow the instructions that are posted or in the instructions on your sauna.

Here’s what I’m doing to stay on track

Netflix has new episodes of Sherlock. I’m overjoyed but when I checked my Garmin pedometer the other day, I realized I had a mere 1800 steps for the day. 10,000 steps a day is recommended (or two hours of brisk walking, depending on whom you consult.) Sherlock isn’t going anywhere. I got off the couch.

I have to make sure I’m going somewhere. I went for a long walk, listened to some strutting music and swung my arms hard. I came back refreshed and, newly energized, tackled a few things I needed to deal with instead of collapsing back to the sofa.

What to do, what to do, what to freakin’ do?

A comedian I love, Mike Schmidt, has a motto: No Zero Days. It means you have to deal with stuff you don’t necessarily want to deal with. This week, I’ve done that. Aside from the usual day to day workload, I choose one thing I don’t want to do and tackle it. For instance, I rescheduled a dentist appointment, cancelled my TV and cleaned up the house. Look, ma! I’m adulting!

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Wait. You cancelled your TV? Has there been a coup? Is this the end of the world?

I’m the only one in the house who watched television. I love Better Call Saul. I have a love/hate relationship with The Walking Dead. I like Jon Oliver and I want to see the final season of Game of Thrones. However, that stuff will eventually show up on Netflix or I’ll catch the highlights on the web. Maybe I’ll buy the GoT DVD someday. The issue is that television isn’t worth the time or money. It distracts me from reading and writing. Since that’s what I’m put on Earth to do, it was time to prioritize (and save on the budget.)

We’re getting to the stage where you’ve probably already gotten rid of your landline if you ever had one. Television is going away, too. There are alternatives but the best one for me is to focus on being a producer, not a consumer. That’s one more key to keeping me on track to success.

The Power of Spreadsheets

As I mentioned last week, I’m using Google Sheets to identify and record variables that limit my productivity. Remember this lesson from Do the Thing: that which is not measured is not changed. I’m changing. I track the times of day I write, where I work and my mood. I track progress by chapter and number of words changed in three categories: writing, revision and editing. I’m experimenting with which variables to track, what’s too little to record and what’s too much. 

I’ll get back to you with deeper results soon but I can tell you this: the act of recording alone makes me more productive. Working against the clock makes me work harder and faster and (surprise!) with greater joy. Just glancing at my Garmin and seeing only 1800 steps and 9 PM made me get out and hoof it. That’s another measure to watch (and possibly plot on a spreadsheet.)

For in depth discussions of time management and productivity, check out my book, Do the Thing. Like it? Please review it.

Toss this podcast a five star review wherever you listen in, as well. I need the money and attention.


Speaking of money…

Click the BECOME A PATRON link at to get lots of nifty rewards. Special thanks to patron of the arts, reader and listener, RF Kacy for his contribution. Cheers, mate!

Last idea tonight:

Get more sleep. I’m headed to bed early so I can get up and crush it tomorrow, starting with a trip to the sauna. I’ve got deadlines and lots of stuff to do. So do you. Wanna do more? Write down what you’re going to do and write down what you did. You will do more!

Stay on track and do the thing!

~ Chazz

PS Check out all my books at sci-fi, crime thrillers, assorted apocalyptic scenaria.

Pick up the last stress-busting book you’ll ever need here.

Workout: Fast and Efficient

I looked it up. As a noun or adjective, “workout” is one word. Still looks wrong to me but never mind…on today’s show:

I’ll update you on my progress with The Wild Diet and share my experiments (and my alterations) to the One-Minute Workout (from last week’s podcast). We’ll get right down to the keys I use to get exercise done quickly so I can get on with my day. Of course, before embarking on any exercise program, consult your doctor to make sure you’re up to it.

If you’re new to the gym or haven’t been there for a while, hire a personal trainer. They aren’t just there to yell and count to four. They can help you design your program to your individual needs, familiarize you with equipment and help you engage the work for optimal results.

 At this link to Tim Ferriss’s blog, check out the possible benefits of using heat to increase athletic performance and aid recovery in which he delves deep into saunas and such with research from Dr. Rhonda Patrick.

I’m also going to reiterate Tim Ferriss’s disclaimer here: “The material on this blog is for informational purposes only. As each individual situation is unique, you should use proper discretion, in consultation with a health care practitioner, before undertaking the protocols, diet, exercises, techniques, training methods, or otherwise described herein. The author and publisher expressly disclaim responsibility for any adverse effects that may result from the use or application of the information contained herein.”

In my book, Do the Thing!, I talked about using cues to get remedial exercise done stealthily. (Remedial exercise is mostly basic physio principles from the 1940s and yoga techniques used to recover from injury, increase flexibility and optimize function and range of motion.) For more on the use of cues, do read Do The Thing! by Robert Chute on Amazon. It’s the last book on stress, pain, time and energy management you’ll ever need. (Says so on the cover.)

Key takeaways from today’s show:

  1. Consistency is more important than enthusiasm.
  2. Quality is more important than quantity.
  3. Muscles need recovery time.
  4. The workout is its own reward but you won’t feel that at first so find another reward, too.

Key points I use for my weight training (some of which may be relevant to you):

  1. Lift heavy. Less than eight reps is too heavy. More than twelve is too light.)
  2. Grip the weight hard.
  3. Use compound exercises for maximum efficiency.
  4. Don’t go to failure. Stay in control of the weight.
  5. Don’t hold your breath.
  6. Tighten your core.
  7. Explosive push, slow negative.

Key points for my cardio (adapted from the principles of High-Intensity Interval Training):

  1. Warm up for your workout.
  2. Monitor your breathing. If you can’t talk, back off.
  3. Go 30 secs hard, 30 secs active recovery for 30 secs.
  4. When that’s too much, 20 secs hard, 40 secs active recovery.
  5. When I’m done, I get out.

Finally, reward yourself for the effort, but not with food. A few of my favorite rewards: hot shower and shave using tea tree oil, firing up the wood stove and (since I’m suffering Canada’s Arctic air) throw your clothes in the dryer before you put them on!

Catch-phrase Contest

Want to get a free book from me? This podcast needs a catch-phraseEmail me at If I choose yours, I’ll send you a book, easy-peasy!

Speaking of books:

This show is brought to you by my book, Do the Thing! I don’t cover everything in the book on the podcast. This is more of a complement to that. For a ton of ideas to improve your life and achieve a higher degree of productivity and success, go pick up Do the Thing!, available on Amazon in ebook or paperback.

Would you like to advertise your product or service on the show, get a poster or your name in my next book? Patreon rewards are for you! Find out more on my new Patreon page.

Your support helps cover bandwidth costs. I really need this podcast to pay for itself so if you’d like to support the show and earn rewards for your patronage, check out the treasures by clicking here or hit the orange Patreon button on the Home page at Thank you so much!

Extra special thanks to my first patron, RF Kacy!

Not everybody has the money to give money. If that’s you, no worries. Please support the podcast by giving it a happy review on iTunes, subscribe, tweet it and tell your friends! Sharing is caring. Cheers!

Robert Chute is a massage therapist with 24 years experience who works in stress, pain management and injury rehabilitation. A former journalist, Robert is also the author of many books, ranging from non-fiction to science fiction, horror, fantasy and crime thrillers. If you’re interested in his fiction, you’ll find his books under his pen name, Robert Chazz Chute.

Music credit: Today, it’s me.

Don’t miss the blooper at the end.

Do the Temporal Milestone Thing

Today on the All That Chazz Stress Relief Podcast we’re talking about completing goals using shorter temporal milestones, the power of consistency and focusing on process. I also have another podcast to recommend to you.

Find Joe Rogan’s interview with Henry Rollins here.

See Joe Rogan’s interview with Dr. Rhonda Patrick here.

You’ll find lots more ideas to manage your time, stress, pain and energy in my book, Do the Thing! The Last Stress Management Book You’ll Ever Need.

Available here:

Amazon US

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If you dig the plethora of tools, tips and tricks in Do the Thing!, please review it. 

Find all books by this author at

Hey! Don’t take health advice from a podcaster. If you are in pain or otherwise in need, please consult a healthcare professional, of course!